What initially began as a strategy to import and copy the technology and innovations of other nations has changed to reflect Chinas growing ability to take foreign ideas and concepts and mold them with respect to Chinas domestic requirements. How state and local leaders can harness new infrastructure funding to build a stronger, more . Online. Chinese firms have also successfully marketed the Chinese version of smart cities to countries around the world, many of which share similar, non-liberal governance structures. On March 5, the U.S. Senate voted to deny Department of Education funding to universities that host Confucius Institutes (CIs)the controversial Chinese language and culture centers partially. CI partnerships also became embroiled in a Department of Education (DOE) initiative to enforce a foreign gift reporting requirement. How does the Sino-Russia relationship enhance each countrys power globally and vis--vis the United States? COVID is a classic current example. Finally, Europe wields power globally by enhancing the role of the European Union, which is powerful on international economic issues while remaining weak as a security actor (although the massive and unprovoked Russian military assault against Ukraine in February 2022 stimulated calls for much greater European efforts on defense). These closings and the attendant inflammatory rhetoric exacerbate a national foreign language deficit at a time when training Mandarin speakers familiar with an ever more consequential China should be a national priority. Budget cuts impacting universities ability to finance their share of operating costs, coronavirus obstacles and low Mandarin class enrollment, compounded by federal government funding restrictions, may mean the end of CIs after a 15-year, generally controversy-free record in the United States. China is running out of productive places to invest in infrastructure, and rising debt levels will further complicate its growth path. What are the kinds of improved deterrent strategies and warfighting strategies for the United States and allies that would mitigate these risksto include different U.S. defense postures in the region, improved innovation and modernization strategies for the American armed forces, and a better-developed concept of integrated deterrence as that incipient concept is now being discussed at the Pentagon and beyond? In Berlin, the government is working to use ICTs to make the city more efficient, healthier, cleaner, and more sustainable. Reducing methane emissions can provide outsized near-term benefits in reducing warming, a crucial benefit in a transition that is bound to take time. While a 2019 Senate subcommittee report described CIs as being controlled, funded, and mostly staffed by the Chinese government, they have operated as U.S.-Chinese joint ventures, jointly funded and managed. From 2018-2020, the Brookings Global China project produced one of the largest open source diagnostic assessments of Chinas actions in every major geographic and functional domain. The Brookings Institution, a prominent Washington, D.C., think tank, partnered with a Shanghai policy center that the FBI has described as a front for China's intelligence and spy recruitment operations, according to public records and federal court documents. What role can China play in restructuring debts and ensuring their sustainability? The U.S. Indo-Pacific Command believes it plausible that China could attempt a forced reunification with Taiwan by the latter years of the 2020s; whatever Beijings actual plans, Taiwan politics interject an additional element into the strategic equation, beyond the ability of either Washington or Beijing to control. . . For China, Taiwan is a matter of national unity and righting historical wrongs. From a U.S. policy perspective, a more holistic understanding of Chinas innovation strategybeyond a myopic focus on technology transferwill be key to effectively competing with China in emerging and foundational technologies. The Brookings Institution (Brookings) is a private, non-profit, independent public policy research organization. In an era of tight funding for and decline of interest in Chinese language and culture programs, and a clear need for cultivating Mandarin speakers and China expertise across multiple disciplines, the modest financial contribution and native Mandarin language professionals provided through an appropriately managed Confucius Institute network should be welcomed, not castigated. What are the interests and national security strategies of key regional players which include but go beyond the usual like-minded group: Japan, South Korea, India, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Philippines? Local news, weather, sports, events, restaurants and more, Huaweis surprising ties to the Brookings Institution, Sign up for a weekly roundup of thought-provoking ideas and debates, Commanders draft class fills several needs, features plenty of value, From World Series hero to MLBs worst, Patrick Corbin keeps taking the ball, Commanders draft Illinois DB Quan Martin, Arkansas C Ricky Stromberg. Elsewhere, CIs continued to open in Chile, South Africa, Kenya and Greece, with plans to establish them in Dominica, Maldives, Chad and Central Africa. Moreover, after the Hanban reorganization in June 2020, CIUS is no longer directly supported by Chinas MOE, nor has it received any funding from CLEC or CIEF and must look to fundraising from Chinese and U.S. universities and other sources. In what ways do Chinas relations with India create opportunities and challenges for the United States? How have China and Russia developed their deep partnership, and what are the main areas in which the two countries cooperate? What are the implications of Chinas economic expansion and what can the U.S. and others do to set and promote global norms and standards? The push toward a state capitalist systemone in which ostensibly private Chinese firms compete alongside traditional SOEshas put new and innovative Chinese companies on the global stage. The GAO found that, although 42 of the 90 agreements contained confidentiality clauses, many agreements are publicly available, either posted online, as at least 11 universities did, through state open records laws, or upon request. The verdict likely will need to be viewed on a case-by-case basis. Many CIs also assist Confucius Classrooms teaching Chinese language at K-12 schools. In addition, some universities still have difficulty finding qualified Mandarin teachers, especially at the K-12 level, to satisfy remaining demand. Drug Trafficking & Counter-Narcotics Policy, Fentanyl: A triangle of sadness (US, Mexico, and China), Assessing Chinas Influence in South Asia. Deterring a cross-Strait conflict: Beijings assessment of evolving US strategy. Has Chinese aid benefited recipient countries? In 2014, West spoke at Huawei Innovation Day in Milan. What measures can Washington adopt to ensure that United States and allies remain one to two generations ahead in semiconductor manufacturing and other high-end hardware? "We have to wake this country up to what China is doing," Sen. Mark Warner, Va.-D, said at the Brookings Institution last month. Brookings Institution Puts President on Leave Amid Lobbying Inquiry. Can the U.S. encourage China to join global methane emissions reduction efforts? Indeed, whether by theft or forced transfer, the acquisition of foreign intellectual property has served as a key component of Chinas technological forward march. A federal campaign against their alleged malign influence, pressure from politicians and Department of Defense funding restrictions have prompted and accelerated closure of more than half the CIs in the United States. When Ryan Hass of the Brookings Institution wrote for the Taipei Times in December about the importance of bipartisan support in both Taiwan and the U.S., it appeared to be an impartial op-ed. Yet, there are investments, trade relationships, and markets that countries on the receiving end of Chinas infrastructure investments seek from the United States that are qualitatively different from what China offers. After describing the benefits including increased resources and concerns about potential constraints on campus programming and speech associated with CIs, the GAO reported that school officials denied having such concerns about their CIs, a finding supported by a contemporaneous 2019 Senate report. Now, its also increasing its influence in the instruments of international security governance as wellincluding around core concepts like sovereignty, the role of alliances, of democracy, freedom of navigationand in that set of international institutions that provide the regulatory undergirding of globalization. What are the most effective strategies for advancing these must have priorities with China? In its response to the department, CIUS explained that, although it seeks to foster awareness of CI programs, it does not fund, supply, staff, supervise or serve as a headquarters for CIs in the U.S. As a registered nonprofit corporation, its financials and related organizational details are publicly available through annual IRS Form 990s. There also is deep interdependence between the United States and China across a range of issues. Technology is a huge component of this rivalry, particularly as both China and the United States push to set the standards in key emerging technology fields like 5G, quantum computing, and more. The Brookings Institution, one of the country's top left-leaning think tanks, has for the first time admitted to Congress that it receives millions of dollars every year from foreign. Similarly, biotech giant BGI has managed to dominate the genetic sequencing industry via private investment and government subsidies and support. The Declaration also contains references to softer issues, like deforestation and societal benefits of decarbonization, along with technological issues like the circular economy and carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration. employees 565 2021 How is China navigating relations with other major powers? He is also Special Advisor to the CEO of the Asia Group, Research Director for the McCain Institute's Kissinger Fellowship Series on U.S.-China Relations, and an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security. That formidable task requires the U.S. to foster more realistic and actionable expectations, criticisms and commitments, rather than policies and actions based on an alarmist China caricature that does not reflect the more complex reality of that country, its people and its behavior abroad. Brookings is now launching Phase 2 of the Global China Project which builds upon the research and analysis of the first phase, and shifts toward prescription, focusing on advancing recommendations on how the United States should respond to Chinas actions that implicate key American interests and values. Tomorrows tech policy conversations today. And like Britain and the United States before it, it increasingly views its challenge to the primacy of the status quo power and its growing influence in global order and governance, as two sides of the same strategy. Faculty concerns over preserving academic freedom and university budget constraints concerning operating funds have all contributed to the trend. Nonetheless, at least one U.S. university, Georgias Wesleyan College, signed on with CIEF for the duration of its current CI agreement, although others in the U.S. and Europe are proceeding with announced closures. Each year they provide a transparent annual report regarding finances and funding. But China shows what real authoritarianism looks like. Despite a bipartisan congressional finding announced in February 2019 of no evidence that these institutes are a center for Chinese espionage efforts or any other illegal activity, the 2021 NDAA broadens the restriction to funding for any program at universities that host CIs. The slides feature the Brookings logo but a sentence in small font on the last slide includes a copyright, which Horne said was not in our version of the final slides, and so we are contacting Huawei and asking them to remove it, as it is not accurate. It reads: Copyright2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.. Since his early days as leader, Xi Jinping has emphasized the need to unswervingly follow the path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics. This push is beginning to deliver results. Moreover, as a recent study commissioned by Chinas MOE observed, in a charged U.S. political atmosphere, the Confucius Institute brand is now associated with Chinese political interference. By focusing on where all groups are thriving, we can see where cooperation and democratic decisionmaking are most likely to be a reality and work toward high levels of well-being for everyone . Qi Ye was appointed director. Some CIs specialized in areas such as healthcare, business, Chinese food and beverage culture, and Chinese film. To some extent, they werent entirely wrong. It should disaggregate legitimate national security concerns, including Chinese espionage and technology theft, from academic freedom issues that are best left to our universities. A few examples: Brookings . Indeed, the connections between the Chinese party-state, state-owned companies and banks, and technology firms gives China an unrivaled ability to provide what experts refer to as the complete value package, presenting non-Chinese companies with few options when it comes to competing. In all of these cases, moving forward will involve bringing in ministries across the central governments and state-level officials in both countries. As a result of the COVID pandemic and recession, debt burdens that had seemed prudent in many cases are now unsustainable. Given the allegations surrounding CIs, which continue to be pressed by bipartisan Congressional coalitions, CI host universities should all publish their CI agreements online. It also aims to leverage new forms of AI-enabled surveillance and repression in ways that strengthen its illiberal model of governanceboth within China and around the world. What are the differences within Europe regarding relations with China, and can the United States and Europe develop common approaches to respond to Beijings economic, political, and military challenges? Meanwhile, Chinese students are required to learn English from elementary school and as a requirement to gain admission to, and in many cases graduate from, college, with an estimated 400 million Chineseincluding front-line military troopsnow learning English. Although democratic countries have started to push back, with rising calls for greater AI investment and the development of robust AI principles, China nonetheless threatens to outpace the U.S. and its allies in AI research and standards-setting. Beijing will want to visibly register its displeasure, lest its leaders be accused at home of tolerating Taiwan's efforts to move further away from China. the European Union and African Union) that play major roles in the diplomacy of global order and organization. In a 2014 report on CI partnerships, the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) argued that allowing third-party control of academic matters compromises academic freedom and institutional autonomy. Beyond WeChat, China is now home to many of the worlds leading fintech companies, including Ant Financial and JD Finance, among others. What are the trend lines when it comes to Chinas relationship with regional countries, and what are the major challenges, roadblocks, or gaps in these relationships? AAUP recommended that universities cease involvement with CIs, which it characterized as as an arm of the Chinese state, unless their agreements are transparent to the university community, afford them control over all academic matters and grant CI teachers the same rights enjoyed by other faculty. China has not joined the Global Methane Pledge, jointly announced by President Biden and EU President Von der Leyen in September 2021. Although Japanese and South Korean firms also sit within the top ten holders of smart city patents, State Grid Corporations 7,156 patents in November 2020 was more than double second-ranked Samsungs mere 3,148 patents. The Brookings Doha Center, an arm of the think tank in Qatar's capital that focuses on Middle East issues, is funded largely by the Qatari government, which has pledged $21.6 million to . Formerly a professor at Brown University, West has written 19 books, according to his LinkedIn page, and is a respected commentator on issues involving technology policy, privacy and security. What are the policy implications for the United States overall economic competitiveness and its national security? On Dec. 5, the news broke that Canada had arrested Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou for extradition to the United States for allegedly violating Iran sanctions. In 2006, the Brookings-Tsinghua Center (BTC) for Public Policy was established in Beijing, China, as a partnership between Brookings Institution in Washington, DC and Tsinghua University's School of Public Policy and Management in Beijing, China. At least three U.S. universities with CIs have hosted the Dalai Lama, although a CI director warned another universitys provost that re-scheduling a cancelled visit by the Dalai Lama could disrupt relationships with China, leading the provost to observe that a CI does present opportunities for subtle pressure and conflict. Most CIs do limit their scope to language and traditional culture, leaving political and other topics to other university contexts. Yet Wests relationship with Huawei raises questions about the independence of his scholarship and represents a worrying example of Chinas influence on one of Americas leading think tanks. RYAN HASS is Michael H. Armacost Chair in Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution. Devising effective policy prescriptions will require new thinking about how the United States should navigate its relationship with China. estimated 51 CIs, 44 of them campus-based, admitted role as a soft power instrument, The deception and detriment of US-China cultural and educational decoupling. The Institution's founder, philanthropist Robert S. Brookings (1850-1932), originally created three organizations: the Institute for Government Research, the Institute of Economics (with funds from the Carnegie Corporation ), and the Robert Brookings Graduate School affiliated with Washington University in St. Louis. As we watch the Chinese Communist Party celebrate its centennial anniversary in 2021, many observers have noted that China has moved away from traditional communism and more towards a system that fits its modern needsSocialism with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era, as designated by Xi Jinping himself. In addition to analyzing the sources of their deepening partnership, the group will explore the areas of tension that remain in the relationship and ask whether there are ways for the United States to exploit those tensions. [2] This project is a 135MW gas to power plant by Sinohydro (a brand of Power Construction Corporation of China) and Supreme Trading. The management scholar Nir Kshetri attributes this success to a handful of factors, including a high degree of technological savvy among Chinese consumers, a fintech-friendly regulatory environment, and Chinas improving science and technology prowess.
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