If families of Kohanim or Leviim are celebrating a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or special occasion, a final honor (Acharon) can often be created to allow a second Kohen or Levi to receive an aliyah. Great for shul! A document called the "Gabbai Sheet" serves as a guide to each B'nai Mitzvah service which the Bar or Bat Mitzvah student, tutor and Rabbi Kaiman will use in the Sanctuary during the service. One of my pet peeves is the practice prevalent at many shuls of multiple congregants shouting out corrections to the Torah reading. Otherwise, return it to where you'd gotten it. Ta-amodnah bat v bat v etc. A Sephardic scroll does not have these poles, and so you there is no need to hold onto the Torah. Translate this far into English. The following answer is based on my experience in Orthodox, Ashkenazic congregations, primarily in the United states, and incorporates elements from other answerers. Browse other questions tagged, Like any library, Mi Yodeya offers tons of great information, but, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Keshet is a national organization that works for LGBTQ equality in Jewish life. This will have been assigned in advance, but you will still need to remind that person that he or she will have the Maftir honor. If you're not sure if this is done in your synagogue, ask ahead of time. Passing negative parameters to a wolframscript. It's nice to acknowledge family members who are present in the synagogue, your host, if you're a guest, and the synagogue crew. Within the Anshe Emet community, the decision was unanimously in favor of implementing a gender-neutral option for calling up people for aliyot. Aliyah Cards - 18991 A & M Judaica Acrylic Bencher Kiddush Levanah Laminated Cards Holder 11.5" x 16" Meanwhile, its nice to see our gabbaim in Stamford working again. Pause to get a sense (probably non-verbally) from the person/s before you, of what s/he is feeling/experiencing (emotion, tone, etc.) The large card has the blessings in Hebrew, English, and in transliteration. For the High Holidays, aliyot are assigned in advance by a committee. Who may go up on the bimah with you for your honor? Place a folding chair facing the congregation. Ha-Rahaman yikhazkei-ha/hu viyishmereiha/hu mikol nega tsara umachalah. All the miscellaneous documents in a single "zip" file, Room for aliyah data (date, aliyah name, gift) for 14 aliyot, A passport photo (for visual identification). Why don't we use the 7805 for car phone chargers? In general, follow all instructions or prompts from the Gabbaim and Torah reader, including if they contradict instructions listed here. At Keshet, we believe that belonging and dignity are core principles of Jewish community. After the dressed Torah is placed on the table, it is time for the Haftarah if there is one. Use imaginative language or images, but know that words arent as important as touching and acknowledging the feelings. gabbaim) is an Aramaic word that means tax collector, but today a gabbai is someone who assists with the reading of the Torah. Who can participate in the Torah service? Please don't close, roll, or otherwise mess with the scroll -- your first job is to allow the baal korei to do his job. Otherwise, the procedure is: Announce the prayer for healing and ask those who wish to mention someone in particular to rise and to say the name as your eyes meet theirs, or as you nod to them. You can download the Acrobat Reader from Adobe. 3 0 obj Know your Hebrew name and your father's Hebrew name. Both gabbaim correct the Torah reader when necessary and make sure that everything is done properly. Print out these cards on thick card stock, cut them out, and laminate them. You still need your name for the Misheberach. Place the large card with the Torah blessings where the honorees will see it. Instruct the Golel/Golelet on taking hold of the tops, since they often start looking around for the cover rather than steadying the Torah scroll. As the Torah is lifted, one of the Gabbaim should spot the lifter, the way a coach stands by a gymnast who might need steadying. In March, when the shuls in our communities were forced to close their doors, the gabbaim unfortunately joined the ranks of the unemployed. The second job is to announce the chapter and verse of the aliyot subsequent to the first so that everyone will know where we are in the reading. You can either use the prayer (both in Hebrew and English) in, , p. 685 or the prayer in the gabbai notebook, or lead the group in singing Debbie Friedmans. The corners are rounded so that they do not poke you. 687-693. 11 Iyyar 5783. This handbook addresses various kinds of Torah Services held on Shabbat (morning and afternoon), Festivals and weekdays. Oh right. Below are recordings of how to call the first aliyah for Shabbat and weekday services. The Gabbai's Resource 14 Adar 5783 March 6, 2023 March 7, 2023 Home What's New Misheberach Cards Haftorah Sheets Misc. Certain families maintain a long-standing tradition of being Kohanim (priests) or Leviim (Levites). gabbaim) is an Aramaic word that means tax collector, but today a gabbai is someone who assists with the reading of the Torah. The following file was created to save multiple downloads. One of the Gabbaim then hands that person first the binder with the Velcro to wrap the scrolls, then the cover to put on, and finally the Yod (pointer). All of these combinations are covered. This vitally important work did not cease during COVID-19. Visitors to Beth El are generally the first to be offered honors. How many people can share an aliyah? If you wish to be given an honor, please arrive before the Silent Devotion begins. In any case, never make a person feel bad for preferring not to take the honor. Step 1: Get called up The gabbai (beadle) announces in Hebrew: "Arise, (your name) son of (your father's name)!" Upon hearing your Hebrew name called, rise and walk over to the bimah (reading platform) and stand to the right of the reader, facing the Torah scroll. The most efficient way to accomplish this is to have aliyah cards that are given to those who will be getting an aliyah before the Torah is removed from the ark. Please use the following structure: example@domain.com, Send me The Times of Israel Daily Edition. The same holds true for reading Torah and reciting Haftarah. You can usually see who's waiting to accept it. The male gabbai should either call out or lead the kaddish derabanan and kadish yatom. For the blessing before the Torah reading, we have both the Reconstructionist and the Traditional versions. And to all those gabbaim in other communities who are back at the bima thank you for making sure our services run as smoothly as they do. Click on the name of the file, which will call up an audio program on a new page or will open your defalult audio player, and then play the audio file you have chosen. Take a good breath before you plunge in! Be careful not to run into the person leaving the bima -- usually he'll cede right-of-way to you. These gabbae tzedaqa were so esteemed that no financial reports were ever asked for. Yamim Nora'im aliyah donation cards, PDF 5.5. It is customary to say Would you like to be honored with an aliyah? first, so that if the person turns you down, he/she is not refusing to do a mitzvah. store.kehotonline.com/index.php?stocknumber=HL-CHIKM1, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition. 2023 The Times of Israel , All Rights Reserved, Michael Feldstein, who lives in Stamford, CT, is the founder and owner of MGF Marketing, a direct marketing consulting firm. In the old days you would have been expected to know how to read the Aliya. Keshets blog spotlights this work, as well as the voices of LGBTQ Jews, our families, and allies. It is mentioned I think in 'leket hakemach hachodosh' as well as in other places that the family of the one having the aliya should remain standing while he has an aliya while others sit. You're likely to see other multiples of 18 ($54, $180, etc.) The cards are laminated so that they are durable. What about aliyotfor special occasions and for guests? This manual is designed to assist individuals to perform the function of Gabbai during a Torah service at Congregation Beth Emeth. 684-93 for examples of format and content. What role can non-Jews play in a Bar/Bat Mitzvah service? 10:30 am Torah service and Dvar Torah11:45 am Announcements, concluding service, (For breakfast/study service, breakfast is at 9:30, study session 10:00, service starts at 11:00 and ends at noon), (see also page 395 in Kol Haneshamah, Shabbat Vehagim), Ya-amod ben v le-aliyah (list of aliyah numbers is below), Ta-amod bat v le-aliyah , Nah-l'amod mi beit v le-aliyah , Ya-amdu ben v , (and) ben v . The following categories of members receive honors annually: major donors, patrons, benefactors, and board members, in addition to new members who have joined during the previous year and individuals who have been most active in leadership roles in Beth El in the past year. Why don't I hear HaGomel in shul more often? If you opt to have one, you're generally expected to make a donation to the synagogue. If someone is not there, find a replacement. The idea being to give kovod to the one having an aliya since it is an honor to have one and in many shuls one also has to pay for one. , pp. A "gabbai" (or a sexton) is the person who co-ordinates services, especially the Torah service, on Shabbat and holidays. The triennial list that we use will be on the table where the Gabbai stands. In the second Misheberach, the Gabbai will pause and look at you for the Hebrew names of your family members (along with their fathers' names). They are available in 5 different colors, with ornamental crowns in either the color of the letters or gold or silver. Non-Jews can be invited to lead the Prayer for our Country and the Prayer for Peace, or recite an appropriate passage with the approval of the rabbi. Through the process of making this small shift, Anshe Emet uncovered core lessons about the work for LGBTQ equality and belonging and are eager to share their learnings with other congregations engaging in the same work. To give leaders the tools, skills, and confidence in this critical area, Keshet partners with leaders of national and local Jewish groups. For shuls without such a system, or if a person is davening in a minyan in which he does not usually daven or simply to prevent leaving out a name inadvertently, some men I know keep a similar card in their tallis bags and bring it up with them to the Gabbai to use in the event they have an aliya. RABBI LIONEL E, Calendar of Torah and Haftarah Readings 5782 5784, Shavuot Torah Study Parasha Yitro Exodus 19:20 20:14 May 29, 2020 / 6 Sivan 5780, Religious Guidelines for Ohavi Zedek Synagogue Table of Contents, Torah from the Years of Wrath 1939-1943: the Historical Context of the Aish Kodesh, The Public Reading of Scripture in Early Judaism, Religious & Cultural Programming & Services, Jewish Religious Observance by the Jews of Kaifeng China, ELIJAH and the BOOKS of KINGS in RABBINIC LITERATURE Karin, Judaism and Jewish Philosophy 19 Judaism, Jews and Holocaust Theology, Eating Before the Lord: a Theology of Food According to Deuteronomy, A Guide to Passover at Beth Immanuel 2021 -5781, Reform Shabbat Torah Readings For, and Following, the Second Day of Festivals in the Diaspora, The Spirit in Worship-Worship in the Spirit, A Bat/Bar Mitzvah Guide to Our Shabbat Service, Eastern Ashkenazi Biblical Cantillation: an Interpretive Musical Analysis Yonatan Malin, Responsum on the Status of Women: with Special Attention to the Questions of Shalial) Tzibbur, Edut and Gittin RABBI PHILLIP SIGAL, Daniel Sperber D Biography: Rabbi Daniel Sperber Is the Milan Roven Professor, Lev Shalem for Shabbat & FESTIVALS, Praising Hashem : on Chanukah and Every Day Mrs. Yael Weil Halakhah, Whence Orthodox Jewish Feminism? Translate this part into English and conclude. It only takes a minute to sign up. Besides being an embarrassment to the baal koreh, there are often times where corrections are called out that should not even be made. Support CBE when you buy from Amazon! When Keshet offered its first-ever Chicagoland-Keshet Leadership Project, a yearlong program of learning, action planning, and customized coaching for LGBTQ belonging, Anshe Emet eagerly joined. For those receiving aliyot who are members, take their card out of the gabbai box and affix the stick-on numbers to the cards, to facilitate the calling up by name. Looking to join our congregation? Theyll have a basic idea of who should be getting aliyot before the service even begins, but will be flexible enough to make a change once the Torah is taken out and the attendance at services is final. If ones father is a Kohen, the sons Hebrew name includes ben (fathers name) ha-Kohen and the daughters Hebrew name includes bat (fathers name) Begin in Hebrew through naming the occasion for the blessing. The Misheberach. Pack of 17 Aliyah Cards. In this case, you need the sick person's Hebrew name "bas" the sick person's mother's Hebrew name. You will remain there until the next person finishes his Aliya. Please don't crowd him out. after a blessing for a simcha, so that everyone can participate in offering blessing. For those members and guests less familiar with the blessings, I usually point to the place on the card they will be using. An Ashkenazi scroll has two wooden poles, known as "etz chaim"s (or plural, "atzei chaim"). This is done after the Misheberach. A boy can regenerate, so demons eat him for years. Theyll know if a leining is particularly long that week, and will compensate by asking someone who leads the service efficiently without too much singing to daven mussaf. If you're not wearing a Talit, touch the parchment instead with the belt used to bind the scroll. As the Torah is lifted, one of the Gabbaim should spot the lifter, the way a coach stands by a gymnast who might need steadying. "Thank you" is a perfectly fine response to this; the formal Hebrew reply is "baruch tihiyeh", "may you be blessed. Who can lead services, read Torah, or recite Haftarah at Beth El? He serves the same role. Even though congregants at Anshe Emet couldnt stand near each other, each person was called to the Torah seamlessly using the correct names and pronouns. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Checklist for Brit Milah (in Hebrew). Know the Hebrew names of your closest relatives and their fathers' Hebrew names. All Rights Reserved, Guide to the Synagogue Sanctuary, From Ark to Yad, Highlights of the Shabbat Morning Synagogue Service. In German-ancestry synagogues, the day-of-death anniversary of a close relative will warrant a memorial prayer ("Av HaRachamim") the Shabbat beforehand. Please consider registering your account, so that you can have access to all of mi.yodeya's features. All of this happening in the middle of prayer service, so some of their prompts may be in an undertone, or non-verbal. All Rights Reserved, Making it Personal: How the JCRC Advocates for Trans Inclusion. High Holiday honors are decided upon by a special committee, appointed by the congregational president. Along with all Israel her/his people, and let us say: Amen. The following two documents are for making index cards for storing <> 01: Shabbat calling Kohen using his Fathers name, 02: Shabbat calling Bat Kohen using her Fathers name, 03: Shabbat calling a couple where the man is a Kohenusing his Fathers name, 04: Shabbat calling a couple where the woman is a BatKohen using her Fathers name, 05: Shabbat calling Kohen using his Fathers and Mothers names, 06: Shabbat calling Bat Kohen using her Fathers and Mothers names, 07: Shabbat calling a couple where the man is a Kohen using his Fathers< and Mother's names, 08: Shabbat calling a couple where the woman is a BatKohen using her Fathers and Mother's names, 09: Weekday calling Kohen using his Fathers name, 10: Weekday calling Bat Kohen using her Fathers name, 11: Weekday calling a couple where the man is a Kohen using his Fathers name, 12: Weekday calling a couple where the woman is a BatKohen using her Fathers name, 13: Weekday calling Kohen using his Fathers and Mothers names, 14: Weekday calling Bat Kohen using her Fathers and Mothers names, 15: Weekday calling a couple where the man is a Kohen using his Fathers and Mother's names, 16: Weekday calling a couple where the woman is a Bat Kohen using her Fathers name, 17: Weekday calling Rishon using his Fathers Name, 18: Weekday calling a woman as Rishona using her Fathersname, 19: Weekday calling a couple for 1st aliyah where neither isKohen using their Father's name, 20: Weekday calling Rishon using his Fathers and Mothers Name, 21: Weekday calling a woman as Rishona using her Fathersand Mothers names, 22: Weekday calling a couple for 1st aliyah where neither is Kohen using their Father's and Mothers names, 23: Shabbat calling for Kohen Aliyah when no Kohen present, 24: Shabbat calling for Levi Aliyah when no Levi present, Tue, May 2 2023 For ark openings and most other honors, members of your immediate family are welcome to join you on the bimah. His articles and letters have appeared in The Jewish Link, The Jewish Week, The Forward, and The Jewish Press. In a member-led service, you can use (and if you wish, shorten) one of the blessings, both in Hebrew and English, in Kol Haneshamah, pp. Children preparing for their Bar or Bat Mitzvah can lead the service for taking out or returning the Torah and recite the Ashrei. In addition to reminders of the various tasks, instructions and service outline, it includes places to write the names of each of the people responsible for the various parts of the service. v le-aliyah , mi beit v le-aliyah , Ya-amdu Mishpachah le-aliyah , amdu Mishpachah le-aliyah , To mark significant moments in the lives of members of the community (the possibilities are endless! Cognitive Dissonance and Religious Change in the United States, Committee on Jewish Law and Standards H.M. 35:11 Reading, The Performance of Biblical Chant in Contemporary Judaism, SHAVUOT TORAH Shavuot 5781 May 2021 Table of Contents, A Complete Triennial System for Reading the Torah RABBI RICHARD EISENBERG, Women and Public Prayer: Duty and Dignity, Judaism Revision Jewish Practices the Uses and Importance of the Synagogue, B'nai Mitzvah Student Liturgy Practice Book 2018.Dwd, Now Then, If You Will Obey Me Faithfully and Keep My Covenant, You Shall Be My Treasured Possession Among All the Peoples, Understanding the Shabbat Morning Service, A Special Compilation of Learning Sources for Shavuot Brought to You by the Princeton Community, Calendar of Torah and Haftarah Readings 5779 5781 2018 2021, Policy on Women Receiving Alyiot & Reading Torah All Go up to Make, Cjls Guidance for Remote Minyanim in a Time of Covid-19, Some Rabbinic Sources on Women and Torah Reading Compiled by Elana Sztokman in Honour of Her Daughter Avigayil's Bat-Mitzvah 22 January 2005, 12 Shvat 5765, A Guide to Passover at Beth Immanuel 2020 -5780. Gabbai Playbook (Click here to download pdf). x\8}H+Mtd}P;j%V)H=3,SUd,zbfwOc_z3`^,9{czplBfR6*CKo@vg_3y#[/5vfR}HFk_\+*S0lO(`xAjv/]J-.P>+ z|Asyft(f|YsyY*vh^z[dZ%}}^I. Questions pertaining to the duties of the gabbai (beadle), who takes care of the day-to-day operations of a shul or Beis Medrash (particularly, in choosing who should lead the various parts of the prayer service). When you hear this, head toward the bima. )could be individual or group, could relate to themes in the, Traditionally, to enable the individual honored with an. Typically, when the Torah is taken out to be read before the community, one person reads the Torah, and that person is surrounded on either side with two gabbaim who ensure that the Torah is being read and treated respectfully and accurately. Rather than seek to develop new language, Anshe Emet immediately organized a committee through the Rose Crown Minyan to find out how other Jewish organizations pursued a similar goal and the resources they utilized. If the option is available, the Gabbai will look at you expectantly after the first Misheberach. In 5e D&D and Grim Hollow, how does the Specter transformation affect a human PC in regards to the 'undead' characteristics and spells? Gabbai (pl. Always translate Hebrew terms into English. However, on special occasions, such as a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, wedding, or anniversary, and on the High Holidays, two closely related individuals may be called up for the same honor. That usually silences them. Floor Gabbai Signup (Click here to go to the SignUp Genius), Audio Files of Calling Congregants for the First Aliyah. Descend, giving right-of-way to those coming up. They will be familiar with the various customs and practices that we follow when it comes to the distribution of honors. I strongly prefer shuls where the gabbaim remain at the bima, and dont go running back and forth through the sanctuary to obtain the names of those who are receiving aliyot. All else being equal, choose right turns over left. Ive always felt that being a gabbai is the Jewish version of the old Rodney Dangerfield joke they get no respect. The following documents are for assisting young. Aliya Cards $9.99 17 Cards Shipping Add your delivery location to get accurate delivery & pickup information. Adobe. Through a process of learning and conversation, the community determined that the most affirming process was to offer three options: masculine, feminine, and non-gendered. Some of the gabbaim I know keep intricate spreadsheets of the names of all members, with their Hebrew name, whether they are a kohen or levi, all of their familys yahrzeit dates, and their last aliyah which can be sorted any which way you wish! With the Fort Tryon and Hadar materials as guides, the help of a veteran gabbai, and the skills of a talented graphic designer, new gender-neutral aliyah cards and gabbai sheets were created. I respond, "If you're so smart, why don't YOU read the next aliyah?" A very effective and organized method of distributing the aliyos in shul! The Magbiah/Magbihah lifts the Torah and holds it up and turns around so that the congregation can see the writing (some people think they have to open it to several columns, but that is not necessary), then sits down. You can account for entire branches of a family tree by saying "and his/her whole family." Where might I find a copy of the 1983 RPG "Other Suns"? Ask the Gabbai if you're not sure. If you (or other members of your family) have a yahrzeit or are celebrating a birthday or anniversary and would like to receive an aliyah, be sure to let the gabbai know ahead of time. There is also an option in some places to make a special Misheberach for sick relatives. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. During the repetition, the gabbaim tend to quickly meet to divide up the aliyot cards, confer with each other, and check in with the co-chairs if needed. Find out more about ShulCloud, Eric J. Marinoff Memorial College Outreach. It's good to also mouth the words in time with the reading, if you can. Most of these documents are in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF). Mi Yodeya is a question and answer site for those who base their lives on Jewish law and tradition and anyone interested in learning more. With so many positive steps towards marriage 2002-2023 My Jewish Learning. 684-93 for examples of format and content. Mi-sheberakh avoteinu avraham, yitzkhak, vyaakov vimoteinu sarah, rivkah, rachel, leah, bilhah, vzilpah, hu yivarekh et (name of the person being blessed and name of his/her parents) she alah/alta likhvod ha-makom vilikhovod ha torah vlikvod ha-shabat vi[insert occasion for aliyah/blessing], [Insert words expressing the blessing we wish for this person on this occasion perhaps including:]. Chabad custom not to have bar mitzva aliya shabbat morning, asking a cohen whether he wants to perform a mitzva in shul. Lesson 4: Be Ready for Change On Shabbat and holidays, the gabbai distributes cards for most aliyot during the repetition of the Amidah (Silent Devotion) towards the end of the Shacharit (morning service). There is a notion of respecting the Torah scroll by keeping it covered when not in use. Floor Gabbai Playbook (Click here to download pdf). If you have an Aliya card, immediately hand it to either the Gabbai (who will usually be at your left) or the assistant Gabbai (at your right). Gabbai Rishon calls them up: (for a woman). Place the large card with the Torah blessings where the honorees will see it. Often a smile, nod, and handshake are all that's needed. Many gabba'im use a card index file to keep records of members' Hebrew names and the dates on which they received an aliyah . Continue in Hebrew through the end of the blessing. Wait for someone in charge (either a Gabbai or the Torah reader) to uncover the Torah scroll and open it. The remaining fivealiyot always go to Yisraelim (Israelites). (If in a Hassidic synagogue or right-wing yeshiva, they may frown on folding a Talit on Shabbat, so just put it back unfolded.). Custom to light yahrzeit candle on Erev Shabbos before the yahrzeit, How to deal with the parts of the Torah reading that are pre-empted by the congregation. What you should know before you're called to the Torah. To create a meaningful experience for the person receiving the blessing and for the entire community, you may wish to familiarize yourself with the Appendix 2: The Art of the Mi-Sheberakh. For the reader's sanity, please leave all prompting/correcting/place-pointing to the Gabbai, assistant, or rabbi. @Dan -- as Rabbeinu Mark Twain would have said -- "those who can, lein. Look over the information the service organizer has emailed to you. 687-693. Ask the Gabbai if you can make a Misheberach for a sick person (though you may be asked to make an extra donation for this). We've also provided audio files of the chanted phrases used to call different people to the bema for the first aliyah on Shabbat and weekdays. Even if the scroll was closed, the reader may pull it open as you're finishing the blessings, to give himself a moment to find his place. I wish more rabbis would insist on adhering to this practice. To create a meaningful experience for the person receiving the blessing and for the entire community, you may wish to familiarize yourself with the Appendix 2: The Art of the Mi-Sheberakh. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. When someone comes up for an aliyah, a gabbai should show him/her where to stand and point out the b'rachot (blessings) sheet. See Kol Haneshamah, pp. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Didn't have enough fasters at the beginning of the service, now do (or might): do you change over to the fast-day liturgy? Two-sided page with prayers for the State of Israel and IDF soldiers.
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