Darkseid's powers have allowed him to overcome some of the greatest powerhouses in DC's continuity. Scan this QR code to download the app now. And if so, was it supposed to be their first contact, or Lex was working for him all that time? In one of their final confrontations, they realize a pact must be made so their respective worlds arent destroyed. That would tie in with the comic explanation of it being a "regeneration suit" or some such, to help him recover (though it could just be the Kryptonian equivalent of a hospital gown). The League's unflinching devotion to protecting the world wasn't in question here, just whether it was safe for all of them to assault the radiation-laced headquarters. Firstly, it should be noted that Daxamites are telekinetically powered, whereas kryptonians are not. Wouldn't this be dangerous for some of the League members? If what the Joker said was true, then it's possible the Knightmare timeline is inevitable until the Flash time-travels enough times to alter the course of events so that Darkseid loses. Are you sure? So moving on to 1986's Jon Byrne reboot---- the definitive marker for Post-Crisis Superman, which more or less informs the modern era---- we have an example of Jor-El, from issue 1 of Man of Steel, showing full knowledge of what the yellow sun would do to his child. Darkseid is not stupid and surely must have known about the kryptonite weakness from very early on. This makes Daxamites considerably more powerful than kryptonians when it comes to using their powers effectively. Did the Mother Boxes not consider the vanquisher of Ares enough of a deterrent? So Darkseid came to Earth armed with the Mother Boxes and the Anti-Life Equation and was driven back, leaving both the boxes and the equation behind. Not sure). I prefer the take that perhaps the unleashment of Doomsday triggered a part of the Kryptonian ship to spontaneously act as one of those bizarre metal-animation technologies which the New Gods use to communicate, and thus Luthor either observed this passively or else directly communicated with Steppenwolf. Poor Kryptonians, Klarion would destroy them. Darkseid and Superman have fought on several occasions and Superman, I think, always turns out to be a major pain for Darkseid. This is a place for fans of various creative works to share theories, interpretations and speculation related to that particular creative work. They WERE that marker. Why does Darkseid hate kryptonians? They then run back in time, chased all the while by the Black Racer, in order to stop the bullet. Steppenwolf seems to believe the Amazons were all still hiding on Themyscira; he doesn't know one of them has emerged as a protector of humanity, and certainly wasn't aware ofDiana'sgod heritage until witnessing it first hand. Anti-Monitor is one of the most powerful individuals in DC's continuity, boasting a kill and absorption count in trillions in some iterations. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! Nekron is death incarnate, keeping domain over a plane of existence known as The Land of The Unliving, which seems to be Purgatory's equivalent in DC's continuity. Darkseid gets his power from an energy called the Omega Effect. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Darkseid's trio of terraforming trinkets sleep until the moment of Superman's death, and Clark's absence acts as a green light for Steppenwolf to invade. Darkseid lands on Mars, not knowing what the kryptonians are capable of, proceeds to murder them. Darkseid is omnipotent, plain and simple. Mera is high born and can breathe air just fine (as seen in this film and. It's implied the disaster happened around the same time as. Why is Darkseid so afraid of Kryptonians? In Year One, Kalibak, the son of Darkseid, comes to Earth, thinking itll just be another super-powered encounter. Its not everyday Superman is able to defeat Darkseid, but that never stops the Man of Steel from trying. Things obviously dont go as planned for anyone, and eventually Raven and Professor X team-up to psychically weaken the Phoenix-entity so that she has to possesses Cyclops to survive. You'd think the latter point would be pretty evident from the movie's premise, since the reason the Mother Boxes are on Earth is because the villains left them behind last time. When Steppenwolf mentions the threats on Earth that are gone, he lists "Kryptonian" singular. No idea. If that's true, that would mean that the entire Apokoliptian civilzation relied entirely upon those three motherboxes for astral navigation, with a total absence of navigational computers tracking movements and speeds of the spaceships on their armadas, and something as basic as triangulating positions would need to be unknown to them. Notably, a battle between the two was depicted inJustice League Dark: Apokolips Warbut was cut short by Cyborg's massive boom tube. After all, Ares was the one who beat Darkseid originally, and Wonder Woman was responsible forkillingAres in World War I. Can my creature spell be countered if I cast a split second spell after it? Does this mean she thinks Superman betrayed Arthur or even killed him? At some point in the story, Darkseid and the Demon Etrigan encounter the Anti-Life entity. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. In DCs Final Crisis, the New God Orion has been killed and Darkseid is attacking Earth, bringing the Anti-Life Equation with him. Well, at the beginning of the SC, Supes death cry/scream awoke the Mother boxes. It was in the original superman movie: his mother did not like the idea that he would be so strange and have super-powers due to the yellow sun. Darkseid probably wasn't scared. Darkseid has good reason to fear Kryptonians given their abilities, as seen with Zod and Doomsday. Also if he would have saved someone like Jor-El and Zor-El they would be indebted to him and be forced to serve him. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. In later versions, her family live on a colony, which begins to fail following krypton's destruction, and is sent to earth, again, because her parents know they are going to die. Darkseid is elated; finally believing his moment is at hand. His statement about deciding to fight for Earth now indicates he viewed himself in a more passive role, trying to encourage humanity down a certain path rather than take charge as an alien superhero. Several ships escape. Searching for a planet to satiate his masters hunger, the Silver Surfer happens upon Apokolips, when he is suddenly attacked by a horde of Parademons. Why did the mother boxes fear Superman? My fix is that when Artemis shot one of the ships with her magic arrow, she was infecting the fleet with a navigation-scrambling virus. Without Superman's aid, Wonder Woman just wasn't strong enough to fight off Steppenwolf and Darkseid, and the Mother Boxes knew it. Uxas won, claimed Apokolips, and took the name Darkseid. So while possibly not super prevalent, I think it's fairly common knowledge amongst the Kryptonian people that they are more advanced than other humanoid races. Due to Fourth World's proximity to the Source - from which all that exists in DC stems - Darkseid's abilities are augmented as a result. In the Knightmare reality, Supes and the League got screwed, but still. This ability is relatively easy to master for them. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. It seems odd that he never thought of taking a few Kyrptonian soldiers to fill his army. Parabolic, suborbital and ballistic trajectories all follow elliptic paths. RELATED:5 Reasons Darkseid Is DC's Number One Supervillain (& 5 Why Its Anti-Monitor). Steppenwolf is then called to Earth because the boxes beckoned him as Earth was, once again, vulnerable. This is likely down to the power gap between Superman and Wonder Woman. This was, after all, kept secret from Diana herself for many years. On rewatching, I did get a satisfactory answer for the effects of radiation on Cyborg- his exposed facial fragments can be armoured to form a helmet, so presumably the entire suit can protect against radiation if necessary. Finally, in a fit of untamed fury, Orion punches a hole straight through Darkseids chest, resulting in a massive explosion; the young New God is the only one left standing. Informations about Man of Steel and the DC movieverse would be a nice bonus. Darkseid has plenty of powers at his disposal, but perhaps his most famous are his neigh unstoppable Omega Beams, or the Omega Effect as he sometimes calls it. Through some clever reverse engineering, Cyborg is able to boom-tube the satellite away from Earth and send it crashing on top of Darkseid, knocking out the villain and leaving our heroes plenty of time to escape. In the rush to get the hell out of dodge, Darkseid forgets to pick up his Mother Boxes, which lay dormant on Earth for many centuries. Cookie Notice Though there is little that Darkseid seems to fear, Parallax would be able to determine exactly what rattles the Dark God. Its possible that Earths coordinates were saved into the mother boxes, and thus were lost when they were left behind in the scrambled retreat. Do they use this information in any way (building an empire of yellow sun powered planets for example)? Yes, the implication was that they lost track of Earth because for Darkseid it was just an irrelevant, random planet and it only became important to him once Steppenwolf found the Anti-Life in here. Conquering and destroying worlds before he was even a teenager, Trigon literally turned mass destruction into a child's plaything. The mother boxes actually led him there, Darkseid literally saw Steppenwolf get wrecked and still told Desaad to "ready the armada", It legit seemed like Darkseid and co just forgot where earth was because he literally says he's destroyed 100k worlds looking for those that robbed him of his "glory". One of the greatest fictional supervillains of all time, Darkseid is the tyrannical ruler of the war world Apokolips. How would Silas being at the football game have changed the outcome of the car crash? Its a way to ensure each has a bargaining chip in case the other decides to ignore their truce. Marvel/DC As the kryptonians are an old race and darksied has conqured numerous worlds its sure to have happend. His dream is quickly crushed when he realizes the aspect is too powerful and will kill him. He probably didn't know how powerful they could be. From Superman and the Justice League, to Doomsday and the Hulk, Batman has faced down, and defeated, nearly comic book figure out there. The Anti-Monitor & The 9 Most Vicious DC Fights, DC Comics: The Strongest Magic-Users, Ranked, one of the greatest threats to the Justice League. So, what is the in-universe reason for MM to sit out the events of all the three movies? Here's a scan from the 2010 comic Secret Origin which shows a recording of Jor-El explaining this to the boy in his early teens. Batman is Batman. I'll try to find some initial examples, then modify it later when I have more time. But then the movie contradicts, Diana's misinformed. Having previously written for various sports and music outlets, Craig's interest soon turned to TV and film, where a steady upbringing of science fiction and comic books finally came into its own. Did Steppenwolf also die when the Unity was activated, or does the gargantuan shockwave merely momentarily create (to him) pleasant Apokolips conditions, while he bathes in the rubble and the gore of the Justice League? In the many limited variations of the Superman story related through "imaginary", what-if, Elseworlds, etc stories, Kryptonians have come to Earth with plans beyond survival. But it's strange that neither the Mother Boxes nor Steppenwolf ever factored Diana Prince into their calculations. It's later explained that the presence of Clark Kent on Earth effectively kept the Mother Boxes in check, his sheer power preventing the artifacts awakening. Because Steppenwolf is the one conquering worlds as a debt to Darkseid. Darkseid is not "known to fear Kryptonians". Had it scratched from all charts and logs, murdered all witnesses to his humiliation, including ship crews and people who were doing the scratching And only then realised that.
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