I always lacked inspiration, and I would force myself to brew various commanders in the hopes of being surprised by the final result. Navigation. Its a great play to make him unblockable with the thopters, then ninjutsu in a ninja, only to recast him and make more thopters, which can enable more ninjas themselves. Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow (Commander) Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow. I often swap it out for Dismember instead. Admittedly, we're much more afraid of a Wrath than spot removal, but I can imagine scenarios where having the added ability to fizzle a spell is game-changing. I already did some changes, e.g. The most expensive counterspells in this deck cost 2 mana. Thus with Edric died my interest in the unblockable creature archetype Functionally, Yuriko operates more similarly to Edric than Vela, but many of the cards that made me interested in Vela for an unblockable strategy are equally applicable in Yuriko. To begin with, she can draw cards like a champion (even though, again, we aren't really "drawing" them), so we don't need as much draw as we would in another deck because its built in. Archidekt link: https://archidekt.com/decks/711488#Yuriko's_Rack, Tappedout link: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/yurikos-rack/. It's possible we may need more cards in this section, with stuff like Pact of Negation and Spellstutter Sprite, but for now I think 7 options is enough to keep us in the game. We have several cards that use this sort of effect, and we'll talk about them later. This is especially great because ninjas tend to do poor damage on their own, so this allows us to dish out some real damage to them. Commander / EDH Can we cast it cheaper than its cmc? The second is Larceny, which is effectively an inverse Coastal Piracy. Tempo I think there are some obvious switches I could make, like [[fierce guardianship]] instead of [[cancel]], but I have a habit of getting pie eyed over good stuff cards. It might not seem like it at first, but 2 mana is very expensive for an enabler. Cutting one of the original ninja legends was a sad thing indeed. There was just one problem: Vela is really expensive to cast. The first mtg precon I ever bought was the Ninjutsu theme deck from the Kamigawa block, and I soon picked up the black ninjas to make my favorite casual deck. A lot of Ninja decks are interested in reusing their Ninjutsu abilities, so cards like Crystal Shard, Cavern Harpy, and Thalakos Seer make a lot of sense. By the way, please don't be intimidated by the cost! This will let us double up on Yuriko's ability, and fits nicely with the creature strategy we've established. Nonetheless, I found that too often I didn't have enough good targets for it, and when there aren't good targets it's a vanilla ninja without evasion, albeit a beefy one. And you're right! Complete Comment Tutorial! Unnatural Selection: While this is a decent card it eats up a lot of mana. Competitive The only house rule I've ever played by is to allow [[Gleemax]] into the 99. Unless it's an emergency, we're probably not using any of our creature lands to cheat Yuriko into play, but once we have a Ninja enchantment on board, they each represent more card draw. Ramp is one thing that Yuriko decks are not very good at. Cookie Notice What's particularly excellent about Student is that, in this deck, it's a Phantasmal Image with no downside that counts as a Ninja even if it copies our opponent's Progenitus. With Neon Dynasty we have far, far better options and this one is cut for good. Luckily for us, Yuriko already does a really good job of ensuring that we draw lots of cards, but blue and black have the best options for card draw, and I think it would be wasteful not to take advantage. The second was Flying and featured 1/1 flyers for 1 with another ability, like Faerie Seer or Mausoleum Wanderer. Terms of Use | There are 2 ways we can do this: One-time use tutors like Vampiric Tutor or repeatable effects like Sensei's Divining Top. In a deck where everything is evasive, any amount of extra buff is worth our attention, and this is one of our better options. Hence this one gets the cut, but if you are missing any of the other three this is a good card. The suite of 8 cards I use here have in my experience been the cream of the crop (Mothdust Changeling, Slither Blade, Wingcrafter, Triton Shorestalker, Changeling Outcast, Mist-Cloaked Herald, Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive, and Dimir Infiltrator). It's better to just go low-to-the-ground with more ninjas and kill stuff with Yuriko. Until I started working on this list, I had never heard of Selection, and even though it's the only one of our enchantments that requires us to pay additional mana to get the ability, the fact that it costs two is a boon for multiple reasons. If the table is ok with playing it, and I manage to flip it, we all cheer and laugh, but ignore it as a simple land and continue play as normal. This deck has a very low land count compared to most other EDH decks, so we need our counterspells to be as efficient as possible. But believe it or not, a deck like Yuriko's has been an ongoing project for me for years, and I could never figure out how to make it work until now. Dimir Keyrune is a ramp option of choice for this reason. The start of the majority of your games will go as follows: Turn 1: Use or to cast an enabler. Yuriko does provide us with a lot of card advantage on her own. Scan this QR code to download the app now, https://archidekt.com/decks/711488#Yuriko's_Rack, https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/yurikos-rack/. Turns For a long time, this category was split in two sections. The key here is that Image offers us this ability for two mana. We are in blue, and that means we have access to Rhystic Study. Getting more ninjas makes this unnecessary, and frankly provides a more mechanically consistent gameplay. These are the abilities that made me fall in love with Yuriko. 5cmc cards can usually be cast (especially if they are ninjas, miracle cards, or the like), are less likely to draw aggro, and are more likely to synergize with our game plan. I suggest running [ [Conspiracy]] over this. I still need to find a place for it though. We typically want to start by re-playing an enabler. This is how we ended up with the creatures that "suck". This card definitely belongs in the deck, and I even know what to cut for it. Privacy statement | Feel free to skip some of these if you have a good sense of how Yuriko works. He also has the added benefit of being able to give our ninjas evasion, which is great. Top opponents include Winota, Kess, Najeela, and Krikk. While there was always an argument for this based on top-deck manipulation and because of the potential to drop it early and use it to explode ahead of the competition, it really is more of a pet card for me, and there are more synergistic options. This site is unaffiliated. It also helps a lot that Tetsuko benefits from her own ability, acting as another unblockable attacker. So my list is probably more competitive than casual. One of the best is Higure, the Still Wind, who can tutor up any ninja we need for the task at hand, and hence is also allows us to make full use of our ninja "toolbox." I was part of a game where an opponents played Study, and was the perpetual target for the rest of the game. If cards like Demonic Tutor are not in your price range, I still think it's worth including tutor effects like Diabolic Tutor. Attention! We're playing the typical suite of 2-mana rocks that any non-green deck would play, but our best pieces our. Of my excursions into UB, the deck that got me most excited was Vela the Night-Clad. For this reason, I chose Arena as my draw spell, but if your meta is more forgiving of Rhystic Study definitely make the swap. Baleful Strix, Looter Il-Kor, Wharf Infiltrator, Cloud of Faeries, and Shadowmage Infiltrator each represent additional options for drawing cards. While people seem to have varying opinions on this year's offering, I think it's fairly safe to say that we've gotten a bounty of awesome new legends and planeswalkers to lead us into battle. YES! After much testing I am pleased to offer up my Yuriko ninjas list. Discord Server | With the London Mulligan we effectively have three shots at our opening hand, so eight with a bonus is a pretty good number for us. Sensei's Divining Top, Scroll Rack, Soothsaying, and Lim-Dul's Vault all are in the deck to help us get what we need, to smooth our our draws, and to get Yuriko's triggers to do what we want them to do. We've talked about most of these cards already, and for the most part, the cards we haven't talked about are standard fare. I do normally prefer decks that approach the game from a stompy/ramp angle. I didn't go as lean as most competitive Edric decks, and I'm trying to straddle the line between being optimized and 75%. I think this is why I originally put in [[aminatou's augury]]). Can it be used at instant speed? Once I have the chance to test this deck extensively, I'll have a better idea of what tweaks would make this build more effective overall. Personally, I like to play to win, and love to optimize every deck that I play. Sakashima even protects herself, and lets us reset her if something more desirable enters the battlefield. Ninjutsu Let's get something out of the way now: Yuriko wants us to build a deck based around Ninjas, but of the ~10 available Ninjas, quality is limited. When most people think of UB, myself included, the signature abilities that come to mind are mill, clones, counterspells, and recursion. To make this happen, we need to be picky with our opening hand: Only keep an opening hand with , , and an enabler for Yuriko. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. In this deck the best card is, This is where we win the game! Likewise if you can afford an Imperial Seal, this deck certainly won't complain about another one-mana way to find Arcane Adaptation. [ [Brainstorm]], [ [Scroll Rack]], and [ [Jace, the Mind Sculptor]] are all really important. Instead, you can replay Ornithopter for free, avoid discarding to max hand size, and ninjutsu another ninja on turn 3. Which permanents does it hit? This is a low cost, evasive creature that is a repeatable tutor, being able to put beefy cards right on top of our deck where we want them. Privacy Policy. Counterspell and Mana Drain are great catch-all counterspells, and Mana Drain has the extra bonus of helping us cast our expensive extra turn spells. Vampiric Tutor, Lim-Dul's Vault, and Long-Term Plans each let us effectively stack our deck, which means we can tutor up extra damage for our Yuriko triggers. Lastly, Hope of Ghirapur can lock an opponent out of the game if we're concerned about one player in particular. Ideally, we want to be in a winning position by turn 6-7. But now that we have a critical mass of ninjas, its not necessary to include as many enablers in our deck. Let's go back in time and discuss the impetus for this deck. Apparently Krikk has been winning the tournament nearly . Lastly, Brainstorm and Ponder are already great cantrips on their own, but are especially powerful in a deck that depends on topdeck manipulation. As mentioned earlier, the topdeck manipulation category can be divided up into 2 sub-categories: When deciding on cards in this category, I prioritized instants over sorcerys. This means that you're the primary target for your opponent's interaction. This ability isn't just a win-con, but more importantly, card advantage. We want these to be evasive so that they are unblocked, and low cmc so we can get them out early to enable our ninjas, and then redeploy them the same turn if possible to use them to enable still more ninjas. Hello there! I was somewhat successful with a combo-centric Oona, Queen of the Fae brew, but by the end, my list was too linear to hold my interest. Maintaining a good balance of these is our key to success! Fourthly, any ninja gets us a Yuriko trigger regardless of any other abilities, so Arcane Adaptation effects that make all of our creatures ninjas can win the game in a moment. This will allow us to ninjutsu our other ninjas onto the battlefield, and more importantly, get Yuriko back ASAP if she is destroyed. My additional budget is very limited but I am open to suggestions. The first is Quietus Spike, which will cut life totals in half when it's equipped to one of our dudes. This is extremely important because your opponents can't destroy your ninjas to stop the damage: It's already too late for that. Many of these cards we've already talked about in detail. The key thing to note here is that even if a card only costs 5cmc, if we get even four triggers we've wiped out half of each player's starting life total. 15399 decks (0.629%) Rank #3. I want to make a quick note here. You can easily tone it down by cutting the free counterspells like Fierce Guardianship, or by cutting the one mana tutors such as Vampiric Tutor. It hurts myself to see that, but I trust the processThat's the first time I dip my toe into cEDH territory, so I'm quite helpless with everything going on there, hence every help would be highly appreciated. While our creatures may suck, they do a very good job of agoing unblocked, and ultimately, that's all we care about. Our solution to disruption and combos is counterspells. Simply put, Edric is just too good of a card; he comes down, you attack with your creatures, and you profit. I don't have experience on higher tiers power levels, so I'm soliciting advice on deck construction and game theory/strategy. This is great in that it can copy Yuriko and win games, and can be tutored with Whir of Invention. I want to make my Yuriko deck "High" powered on PlayEDH. This site is unaffiliated. I originally included cards like Ponder and Preordain as ways to stack the top of our deck, while also giving us a means of digging towards our Ninja enchantments. With Adaptation and Conspiracy, we can make use of abilities that care about Ninjas entering the battlefield like Kindred Discovery and Door of Destinies. Most of the main cuts for this deck were Ninjas and cards that gave unblockability, like Thassa, God of the Sea and Vela The Night-Clad. This was great until Maskwood Nexus was printed. If you opt for a version of this deck focused on "real" Ninjas, these sorts of cards are worth considering, but for our purposes they're not very useful. My newest addition to his category is Fierce Guardianship, which is a free negate as long as we control Yuriko! 0 0 54. However, if Door turns out to be too difficult to activate, I plan to swap in Obelisk of Urd. Over time I want to get those blinged and autographed since it's my first deck. Blinkmoth Nexus, Creeping Tar Pit, and Faerie Conclave offer us three additional ways to get damage through, and the opportunity cost is virtually nothing. This annoying message will go away once you do. Commander 1 Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow: $ 8.28 Creatures (24) 1 For most decks, this section would be fairly boring. Commander / EDH While its a great win con, there are a lot of good uses to this card, and that is why its the best card in the deck. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Dimir, Other People's Decks I Like, Killer Deck Lists, decks, Ninja, commander, edh, Uncategorized, Get this, EDH, Try outs, EDH, yuriko, Future Decks, Spotted in the Wild, Commander, Interesting/Fun Decks, General Decks of other People, Favorites, Inspo, Decks I want to build that others made, tribal, deck, Ideas for future Decks, EDH, My Decks!, Inspiration, Motivation, blue black, EDH, EDH Wishlist, Ninjas, Favorites, Cool Decks, Comparison Decks, Builds, Commander Decks, Expensive Decks wot im Interested In, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. There are very few decks that could convince me to play Tormented Soul in Commander, but this is one of them. While this guy has ninjutsu and can actually dish out respectable damage on his own, he doesn't have any other abilities, making him suboptimal here. Hi everyone! This is the Yuriko deck Jordan has been playing in some of our gameplay videos. I also realized that the leaner the curve became, the more likely it would be that we could frequently have Yuriko on board and also have a party of Ninjas to brawl with. Format: Commander . Yuriko Hishimi ( , Hishimi Yuriko, born June 10, 1947 in Tokyo, Japan) is a Japanese actress. The last card I want to address is Paradoxical Outcome. That's not a cEDH thing, mostly a Yuriko thing. The UB color combination has always been a struggle for me in Commander, in large part because I could never find a commander to match my personality. Check out the changelog if you're curious what I added/cut. I love this card, but all of our good artifacts in this deck are low cmc and are best when played early, and we overpay and get them too late with Whir. That being said, he makes two thopters that can either make him (or another ninja) evasive, and can enable ninjas themselves. Barring the above strategies, we can just use our ace-in-the-hole top-deck manipulation pieces like Scroll Rack and Soothsaying or Lim-Dul's Vault to set up the top of our deck to do enough damage to finish off the game. Meekstone shouldn't affect our creatures unless we've played Coat or Door, and if our opponents let us keep an early Meekstone, we will plan to kill our opponents with Yuriko's burn damage. The changelings are obviously good because they are also ninjas, the merfolk are good because they are 2cmc and unblockable, and Wingcrafter is great because it can later give evasion to your ninjas who are on the board. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Most of the time I become arch enemy before I can pull a win, and I hear that's pretty common for Yuriko. In 1965, she signed a contract with Toho. Here's a few things that I considered when deciding on removal spells: Does it have a high cmc? If we dome our opponent's with Temporal Trespass on turn two they will probably gang up on us and destroy us before we can get into a commanding board state. This realization lead to the inclusion of Night's Whisper and Phyrexian Arena. At first, I was reluctant to include these cards. Four of these effects is too much, Nexus is strictly better and a different permanent type than the others (and can be tutored with Whir of Invention, Arcane Adaptation is better costed and Conspiracy is more flavorful and in a different color. In many games, we can expect to have Yuriko attacking as early as turn two, and while playing a commander on turn two might be ill-advised for most decks, we don't care if Yuriko dies because we have the very real expectation of replaying her almost immediately. For instance, I've included Mox Amber because Yuriko will almost always be on board, but I've neglected all the other moxen (Chrome Mox, Mox Diamond, Mox Opal) even though they would probably be potent here. This leaves no room to cast any ramp spells on turn 1 or 2, and forgoing the tempo advantage to get ahead on mana is just not where we want to be. Functionally, Yuriko operates more similarly to Edric than Vela, but many of the cards that made me interested in Vela for an unblockable strategy are equally applicable in Yuriko. Before the release of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, we didnt have a ton of ninjas in the deck, so the unblockable enablers were essential for getting the ninjas we did have to connect. I've loved this card in other tribal decks, and think it could have a great home here. Toothy, Imaginary Friend Commander / EDH. It is a testament to Yuriko's power that she can and is played in cEDH. Yuriko Casually Competitive EDH by lochrist Report Deck Name $ 909.24. What we'll be looking for, first and foremost, are cards which grant all of our creatures evasion. If we can assemble this synergy, we'll have no trouble refilling our hand and racing ahead of our opponents in card advantage. It's possible to play expensive commanders successfully, but it's much tougher when you expect them to be the linchpin of your strategy. The longer I brewed, however, I began to realize that quantity was probably more valuable than quality, since our tutor count is so high. I'll probably try this when I find which of the new ninjas I don't like. Unblockable, "If you can see my ninjas, they can see you. Sometimes inspiration strikes like lightning, and other times it needs to be coaxed into existence. This week we're taking a look at Yuriko in cEDH!MOXFIELD - https://www.moxfield.com/YURIKO DECKLIST - https://www.moxfield.com/decks/AvvPQMehv0eejejUeySkAgD. Instants and sorceries are likely our biggest issues anyway, and we'll be saving Dancer to eliminate a pesky Wrath. These cheap ninjas maximize Yuriko's aggressiveness and punish opponents' clunky threats. Opponents: Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain & Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Starting hand was decent but I don't remember much of it since it got wheeled away with a turn 3 Windfall.. T1 - Fetch to Plains + Soul Warden T2 - Seraph Sanctuary + Giada, Font of Hope T3 - Plains + Crucible of Worlds Lost 5 cards in hand to Windfall and drew a new 5. Your goal is to play Yuriko on turn 2, get ninjas in play while deploying some stax pieces to slow your opponents, and manipulate the top of your library to maximize the damage she deals with her ability. Unlike most commander decks, our "mid game" starts around turn 3, the turn after getting our first Yuriko trigger. Support us . Siren Stormtamer protects our dudes from spot removal. Of course, prior to Yuriko, there wasn't really a great ninja commander for two reasons. Like I was saying earlier, extra turn spells are effectively used as extra combat steps. For me, I just felt it was too mana hungry and fairly likely to be destroyed before I could get much use out of the investment. When I was new to the format and still fancied myself a control player, I put together a Dralnu, Lich Lord deck, but I quickly discovered I didn't enjoy the feeling of being on the defensive. Yuriko is an interactive commander whose ability allows us to circumvent the commander tax. Yuriko is my all-time favourite commander, and I hope you'll enjoy the deck as much as I do! If you have any questions/comments/suggestions feel free to leave a comment! We need to have a powerful suite of counter magic to back up our ninjas: Casting a counterspell for free is about as good as it gets. Welcome to my Yuriko primer! The first mtg precon I ever bought was the Ninjutsu theme deck from the Kamigawa block, and I soon picked up the black ninjas to make my favorite casual deck. With Yuriko then, not only do we have a commander who works well, but one who is perfectly tailored to using ninjas effectively. My two other decks are [[Ghired, conclave exile]] and [[Valduk, keeper of the flame]]. There used to be very few ninjas with that low of a ninjutsu cost, so he made the cut on that alone. That primer was my first real exposure to cEDH thinking and got me really excited to play the format. Ultimately the current strategy is to overwhelm with ninja triggers. Thirdly, ninjas have great toolbox properties, so employing a variety of tutors helps us to make sure that we have the ninja we need to deal with the problem we have. Feeds | We have to remember that evasive one drops also do terrible damage with Yuriko triggers, so we don't want more than we need. You can also make it more competitive by adding the Demonic Consultation & Thassa's Oracle combo, or stax pieces like Null Rod.
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