2). J. C76, 440 (2016). Similar considerations apply to decays with other B hadrons, BH+ and BHe+e, where B= B+, B0, \({B}_{s}^{0}\) or \({\Lambda }_{b}^{0}\), and H can be, for example, an excited kaon, K*0, or a combination of particles such as a proton and charged kaon, pK. Measurement of the branching ratio of \({B}^{0}\to \ \ {D}^{(*)}{\tau }^{-}{\overline{\nu }}_{\tau }\) relative to \(\overline{B}\to \ \ {D}^{(*)}{\ell }^{-}{\overline{\nu }}_{\ell }\) decays with hadronic tagging at Belle. These differences arise due to the significant bremsstrahlung radiation emitted by the electrons and the different detector subsystems that are used to identify electron and muon candidates (Methods). J. Such studies can help to explain the matter-antimatter asymmetryof the Universe. Phys. 11, and only the main analysis steps are reviewed here. Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. The pT spectrum of the B+J/K+ decays is similar to that of the corresponding B+K++ decays such that the measurement of rJ/ tests the kinematic region relevant for the RK measurement. B. Rodrigues,O. Schneider,S. Schulte,L. Shchutska,P. Stefko,M. E. Stramaglia,M. T. Tran,C. Trippl,A. Tully,M. Van Dijk,M. Vieites Diaz&E. Zaffaroni, Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, J. J. Energy Phys. This estimate takes into account the spectrum of the relevant variables in the non-resonant decay modes of interest and is compatible with the estimated systematic uncertainties on RK. Test of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays LHCb collaboration Nature Physics 18 , 277-282 ( 2022) Cite this article 8068 Accesses 76 Citations 29 Altmetric Metrics Abstract. If material is not included in the articles Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali (2023), Nature Physics (Nat. Lett. Comput. Angular analysis of the B0K*0+ decay using 3fb1 of integrated luminosity. Altmannshofer, W. & Yavin, I. Phys. Rev. J. C77, 377 (2017). Rev. In Proc. 10, 075 (2016). The B+K+e+e branching fraction is determined by combining the value of RK with the value of \({{{\rm{d}}}}{{{\mathcal{B}}}}\ ({B}^{+}\to {K}^{+}{\mu }^{+}{\mu }^{-})/{{{\rm{d}}}}{q}^{2}\) in the region 1.10.95 due to the comparatively low yield of B+K+e+e events. Bezshyiko,A. Buonaura,D. De Simone,V. Denysenko,J. Eschle,M. Ferrillo,D. Lancierini,O. Lantwin,A. Mathad,K. Mller,P. Owen,N. Serra,R. Silva Coutinho,O. Steinkamp&Z. Wang, Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, T. Ackernley,T. J. V. 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A Study of the Radiative Cascade Transitions between the Upsilon-Prime and Upsilon Resonances. According to the Standard Model of particle physics, particles such as beauty quarks should decay into either muons or electrons in equal measure. For the electron modes, a wider mass region is needed to perform an accurate fit, but the range chosen suppresses any significant contribution from decays with two or more additional pions that are not reconstructed. Sun&Z. Yang, Guangdong Provencial Key Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Institute of Quantum Matter, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China, Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INR RAS), Moscow, Russia, A. Butkevich,S. Filippov,E. Gushchin,L. Kravchuk&S. Luchuk, R. Calabrese,M. Fiorini,P. Griffith,E. Luppi,L. Minzoni,L. L. Pappalardo,I. Slazyk&L. Tomassetti, INFN Sezione di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy, M. Calvi,S. Capelli,P. Carniti,D. Fazzini,J. Garca Pardias,C. Gotti,M. Martinelli,C. 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This article presents evidence for the breaking of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays, with a significance of 3.1 standard deviations, based on proton-proton collision data collected with the LHCb detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. Ghez,J. F. Marchand,M.-N. Minard,B. Pietrzyk,B. Quintana,M. Reboud&S. TJampens, Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, C. Chen,J. Bobeth, C., Hiller, G. & Piranishvili, G. Angular distributions of \(\bar{B}\to K\bar{\ell }\ell\) decays. De Aguiar Francisco,S. De Capua,D. Dutta,C. Fitzpatrick,E. Gersabeck,M. Gersabeck,L. Grillo,M. Hilton,G. Lafferty,J. J. The signal mass shapes of the electron modes are described with the sum of three distributions, which model whether the ECAL energy deposit from a bremsstrahlung photon was added to both, either or neither of the e candidates. 120, 121801 (2018). 4. 11,12, the P value is computed by integrating the posterior probability density function for RK, having folded in the theory uncertainty on the SM prediction, for RK values larger than the SM expectation. The LHCb collaboration et al. 1, right) and could have non-universal interactions, hence giving branching fractions of B+K++ decays with different leptons that differ from the SM predictions. In addition, a 0.2% systematic uncertainty is assigned for the potential contribution from partially reconstructed decays with two additional pions. The top row shows the fit to the muon modes and the subsequent rows the fits to the electron modes triggered by (second row) one of the electrons, (third row) the kaon and (last row) by other particles in the event. Rev. The raw data in all of the figures of this paper, and additional supplementary material, can be downloaded from https://cds.cern.ch/record/2758740, where no access codes are required. (Top) distributions of the reconstructed spectra of (left) the angle between the leptons, (+,), and (right) the minimum pT of the leptons for B+K++ and B+J/(+)K+ decays. Commun. The latest LHCb result is the first test of lepton universality made using the decays of beauty baryonsthree-quark particles containing at least one beauty quark. A test statistic is constructed that is based on the likelihood ratio between two hypotheses with common (null) or different (test) RK values for the part of the sample analysed previously (7, 8 and part of the 13TeV data) and for the new portion of the 13TeV data. Prog. The invariant mass of the final state particles, m(K++), is used to discriminate between signal and background contributions, with the signal expected to accumulate around the known mass of the B+ meson. We investigate the phenomenology of an ALP with flavor-changing couplings, and present a comprehensive analysis of quark and lepton flavor-changing observables within a general ALP effective field theory. 06, 092 (2016). & Wang, Y.-M. Charm-loop effect in B K(*)+ and B K*. J. 4. The particle identification performance is calibrated using data, where the species of particles in the final state can be unambiguously determined purely on the basis of the kinematics. 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The simulated data used in this analysis are produced using the software described in refs. Eur. C 79, 714 (2019); addendum 80, 511 (2020). 2019, 123C01 (2019); erratum 2020, 029201 (2020). The veto requirements retain 97% of B+K++ and 95% of B+K+e+e decays passing all other selection requirements.
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