Over the phone: Those without internet access will be pleased that you can pay for the charge by phone. Chiedo di rivalutare la mia sanzione e di poter abbassare la quota perch se ci sono 300.000 autisti che non pagano ci sar pure un motivo. If youre driving to one the South Easts major airports such as Gatwick, Luton, or Stansted theres a good chance youll need to use the Dartford Crossing and its new charging system. This penalty is sent to the address your vehicles registered at. I have an account I thought I had enough to cover my return journey but when I Checked my balance I was -0.37 surely I wont get a fine will I?
Dart Charge If you use the M25 Dartford Crossing and dont pay the charge by midnight the day after you cross, youll be liable for a 70 Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). This could leave them open to fines because it has been reported that the smartphone-based payment system cannot handle foreign credit cards. Amazing phone call to Dart Charge on day 8 I remembered I havent paid.. ring to pay my first offence. Hi Gary, Yes, you should be okay as it is as you say the first offence of forgetting to pay. If I am on holidays in the UK I have no tablet, notebook or computer with me only an old mobile. We should have waited until they fined us so we had an IA number then paid using this number. The system seems to be extremely clogged. Husband will not be impressed with me getting a fine!! This would be the worst way to earn money. This system has been set up very badly; it seems set on making money from fines. How to pay penalty without any letter to do? Delivery is usually deemed to be 2 working days after the date on the notice. This whole set up is a total farce and I feel sorry for any visiting tourists who get caught out by this. first offender for goodness sake the criminals are those extorting money out of people, such as government no less. Second you have to pay a fine. Is it free to go to Queen Elizabeth Park? I just crossed and forgot to pay for a few days.Paid online and then contacted them via twitter. In the first month alone, potential fines amounted to 21 million. We thought great thats okay as we have already paid a few days ago. This is why we try to play our small part in making it more widely known. Clamped. Any truth in the rumour that PCN is Latin for: More Cash for George???????? It is a fact that, given the effort I made to try and pay the toll, the PCN is being issued because I did not have internet access, not because I was unwilling to make the effort to pay. Just like many of you I did not pay for crossing. My other half and I used the tunnel last year October time as we moved address and was on our way to IKEA. This is the second time Ive gone through it, but I paid on my first journey many months ago . 4. Hello Yes, this is true and we agree. No chance of that unless one is very, very patient. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). Make it easy for people please. Sure enough the appeal went through and I was let off any fines.
Dart Charge - Transport for London :(, Tommy, In addition to the cost hike, sites like Dartfordcrossingcharges site have no way of effectively checking your details it even fails to ask what vehicle you are paying for, making it impossible to highlight mistakes when entering the registration mark. The topic So, forgot to pay my Dartford Dart Charge. is closed to new replies. Find out how you can pay the Dart Chargeable PCN quickly at reduce the expense of the fine as well as contact information for the Darf Charge customer service. Because Im an honest person, I preferred to pay with that money I would willingly climbed on the London Eye with the whole family and my daughter and I gave up because London is expensive for an Italian, it annoys me very much have you got that money for a tunnel, I know that now is the next time rather than go through the tunnel spend twice as fuel. I have received a Penalty Notice from Dart Charge after using the crossing not knowing I had to pay for it on my holidays this summer. Can you please advise on what I should do? can any one help me how to wave this charges. This system is completely insane. I just received the Dart Charge PCN forwarded from the car rental company(with administration fee). It says I can appeal this decision to an independent tribunal but I fear the worst and it was lapse into another larger fine. Visiting friends in London for the weekend, so did an out-and-back over consecutive days. They check the picture and accept the mistake immediately, blame the computer recognition system and say they will take steps to avoid repetition and then a few weeks later another PCN, and another set of costs for me to challenge them. Yeah, Kent here too yet virtually never go across the river. I will look into it to confirm the situation. I did ring up customer services but that guy not very nice and not helpful. Theres a great feature that will let you specify a location for a reminder to be triggered. We used to have customer who regularly cost us parking tickets, and they ran up a debt. Of course I do. Messed up as I have either a zero or the letter O (even as I type this, I cant remember which) and got it wrong had to retype it the next page just hung there started again, got payment details in etc etc and paid at 4 minutes past midnight, as stated on the receipt! Hi Joel Ive just had JBW come round to my house, after visiting my place of work, informing me I now have a CCJ against my name and owe them over 400 from a crossing I made on 6th Jan and paid for on the 8th. We have one in our family the car is obtained from special suppliers and when we went through it automatically picked this fact up on the Registration. mark, Hi Mark, We are just giving information about the new charging system and are not part of the crossing itself.Please call the crossing info line 0300 300 0120. He called me to ask me to pay, I put his registration in and it was confirmed the make, model and colour of his vehicle. I havent received any kind of notice through the post yet regarding the fine and it has been 12 days if I get a letter, does anyone know if I will still have to pay the fine, or will I then have 14 days to pay the toll as its a first offence? This whole online paying system just feels so criminal and just aimed at catching people out. to pay the Charge, thinking to pay at some toolbooth, I have appealed and await the response.
Also please consider that the 14 day deadline for should commence on the date of the re-issue, if indeed it has already been issued. Set up a new pre-pay account here Change an existing Dart Tag account. Ive just received 2 letters from JBW claiming that I owe a total of just under 400 for crossing the Dartford crossing on the 28/6/2015. If so what was the ruling? However, when I check online that the payment was credited to that crossing, it does not show the crossing I made and therefore shows I am in credit by 2.50! Hit the i button and choose remind me at a location4. WebIf you fail to honour your payment, you get a Dart Charge PCN seven days later informing you that you owe 70.
Forgot to pay dart charge MoneySavingExpert Forum You should be fine. ..Me.. Thanks. Trawled for ages thru the website but could find no info about the Tags. I called customer service and they have no record of my crossing on Monday!! I wont be ignoring it mate. 8. Was it the first offence? I then heard nothing from them until now when I received a final notice of rejection stating I should have known about the charges and my fine has increased to 70. The 14-day grace period doesnt start until yo uget the PCN. Only when the PCNs arrived (yes, two, though a month apart even though the southward/northward journeys were only 8 days apart) did we discover that Dart Charge was a brand name for the toll to cross the Thames. My wife and I received a fine this week for a return journey, so 70 if paid within 14 days. Yes I am one of the 300,000 drivers in one month to get stung by our lovely Department Of Transport. It is easy to forget, I live in Kent and dont use the crossing that much, Ill set up an account once I have my new car. Nobody seriously tries to get away without paying the small toll fee and would pay it were they reminded that theyd forgotten on a certain occasion (maybe even a little extra for the inconvenience). If you leave it, the hire firm might just get the fine, sit on it then charge it to your card. This info does not constitute financial advice, always do your own research on top to ensure it's right for your specific circumstances and remember we focus on rates not service. Just returned home from our 85 day France and Spain tour to discover that I owe Dart Charge 107.50. This is awful :( There were no signs saying to pay on the internet or by phone or anything or id have seen it. In total, 37,751 penalty charge notices (PCNs) were challenged and 30,521 of those were accepted by Highways England. Stress is a major downer on your immune system, take care of yourself. They may refund you. Relieved to read your message! 2. the nearest PayZone point to us is 4.9 miles away from me in a direction we never take so if we didnt want or have the ability to pay on line it would be nearly a ten mile round trip thats good for the ozone layer isnt it! Your system is so flawed that it requires first time users to experience a completely unreasonable amount of time, effort and stress to let us remind ourselves pay a bridge toll. Sorry to hear that. No probs Dennis. I subsequently attempted to use your website to determine whether you had used this money to take payment for the crossings, and discovered that is it not possible to do so. Why you do not put some staff or machine to collect money for people like me (even if it is more expensive than paying by internet or phone). See my comments below. Furthermore by reading some information normally people are warned if they pay to late (after 14 days) which I never got. Go to Dart Charge to set up a new account, manage your account or pay for a crossing. Some vehicles are exempt from paying for the crossing. It is still free to use the crossing between 10pm and 6am. We sent you personalised instructions using your DART-Tag contact details before we introduced the changes, telling you how to transfer to Dart Charge Two months later, they want 105 each way with a court demand with no warning (even though they still took the toll charge when I paid online), I am trying to fight it as I contested it but I feel helpless. I pity those who have to make the journey on a weekday rush hour. Never did pay it, a few threatening letters arrived, duly ignored, eventually they went away. I didnt even know about those charges as it was my first trip around London. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sign-up for the APH weekly newsletter and youll receive discounted airport parking and hotels across the UK. My son phoned after he got a letter after using the crossing in March only got the PCN 3 weeks ago so he phoned and paid he now has a letter demanding 105 for non-payment, he phoned again and was told they can do nothing about it and he will have to appeal. but I was not able to pay on time the previous payment Was just dropping my lad to Stansted. So Ive done that online and now I wait and see. or does the 14 day extra or does this apply when u receive a fine? I did this right away on-line and was emailed a receipt. just to make it fair i think best thing to do is send the people letter to pay 2.50 and then if they dont pay within 14days they can be charge 35 . Thanks. But I only paid today 1 September. I rang to pay first the first thing the following morning but they refused to apply the payment against those crossings and said we would receive a fine. If the PCN is not paid, additional fines may be imposed and enforcement action may be taken, such as court summons or vehicle clamping. When in France I had no internet access, no way to pay for the outward crossing. Now there is no way for me to avoid the penalty! As you should have received a 14-day period to pay the original toll from when the letter arrived. Hi Jo According to the rules, you should be fine as the 14-day grace period should cover you providing it was in your own car as hire cars seem to be throwing up a few issues witht the 14-day rule. I made a crossing 2 days ago and only paid for one as when I called the automated answer lady said I only has one outstanding payment (silly me). Since this is a huge money, I think some good solicitors can do something. To show how easy this is, a fake site has already been built by digital marketing expert Richard Summers. Click it. Please, I need your help. They calculate 5 days for delivery at the most ( receipt by the 10th, which is out of the question ), which made the reduced penalty payable by the 24th too late when I got back home on the 29th. How much am i in trouble? Thank you. Do I get 14 days notice to pay the forgotten toll payment or is there a LATE PAYMENT FINE already charged against me. I would like to be able to put my registration in, and confirm that there are no outstanding payments or fines. I have just realised I forgot to pay on the 12.11.2015 :( Let us know how you get on. I look forward to your reply as soon as possible. Simply use the store locator below to find the outlet thats closest to you. I remembered to pay at 2 minutes past midnight Aaagh! Mar 28, 2023. Be sure to keep a record of the payment bank statement, or ref number, just to be on the safe side. 4 months later (!!!) My bank statement shows that I did pay. Hi Paul Its a pretty common problem for anyone who doesnt use the Crossing on a regular basis and completely understandable. This was on 22nd May2016 and I received a penalty on 14th Oct 2016, nearly 5 months later! Clearly looking through the comments and elsewhere on the internet, there are problems with the system. There is very little information around the toll area itself and by putting the onus on the road user to pay, rather than them to collect, they ensure that many people will innocently forget to pay the toll or simply not know. I would like to pay today. Fail to do pay for a second time and the fine will rocket once more. Over here from New Zealand this is an utter joke How the hell are we meant to know about this .Have 210 pound of fines to pay Any toll I have ever paid is done at the time. I was told that if I paid them the outstanding fees the matter would be cleared. The UK is a lovely place but the governments are supporting the extortionists every which way you look. The rest will be dropped. Ive had experience of this. Been using Dart Tag for years, no problems. It is a huge amount that youre being asked to pay for a system that is flawed. WebPaying one will not pay for the other. After checking with the TfL website, entering QE II bridge, the name that is given for the crossing on Google maps, I could find no evidence for a charge. Need more signs as to cost of fee and how to pay. crossed last Friday. Couldnt believe it Thank you for this page guys. London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority. Plus the 60 from the hire car co for passing on the fine .
dart charge Dart Charge I am the registered keeper and had been given a PCN before and as a first time, I was allowed to pay just the fee for crossing. The lack of transparency on fines and the timing of payment is designed to maximise revenue.
Dart Charge If you are currently exempt from paying the charge, that will still be the case. One of these is that you are the owner of the vehicle. They must be making a lot of cash from the new booth-free toll system. I get hit in the opposite way, I only ever use the crossing when I drive down to Kent for a boozy weekend with friends. Visit www.gov.uk/dart-chargefor more details. What should I do? Is there anyway you can type in the reg number and it tells you if you missed a payment ect? Just realised I missed paying the charge last Monday 27th. Motorists must pay a fee to use the tunnel, although exemptions exist.. That said, you can use the tunnel for free at night if you cross between 10pm and 6am every So is this official HA policy? Hi If it is your first time you should certainly be fine. I have received Penalty charge notice and I paid them over the phone and received emails for confirmation. Id also be going to the gov website and paying. I also received their email payment confirm receipt for the Eur 3.61. I received an email from Hertz to tell me that they took money on my credit card to pay a parking fine. WebWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Sufficient evidence that the vehicle was in a different location at the time of the fine. 5. i dont even know i have crossed the Dartford crossing on 16/01/2016 ,but i dont know any thing about the crossing charges. I crossed over on at 3pm on Sat 25 July and returned the same evening, not sure if this was after 10pm or not. Its worth calling dart charge, they answer the phone Any way, this EPCPLC mail was delivered to me exactly on 9 Jan 2016 Drivers using the Dartford Crossing need to pay the Dart Charge in advance or by midnight the day after crossing. The signs were very unclear they say Dart Charge: find us online, pay by midnight tomorrow. Theres no info saying *who* actually has to pay these charges, nor indeed how much they are. This appears to be an unhelpful, punitive system not in the public interest, apparently designed to maximize cash generation rather than provide a public service. It is set up for you to fail. No doubt I will miss a few and then get stung with PCNs! online at www.gov.uk/dart-charge over the phone by calling: 0300 300 0120 via a payzone retail outlet by post (in advance only): Dart Charge Customer Services PO I telephoned them straight away to say that there was a mistake as I had paid the 2.50 back in January. I called Dart Charge and pleaded for leniency but of course was told my only option was to make a representation (2 representations, actually). I telephoned on the 22/05/2015 and was told if I paid 2.50 it would be ok, perhaps that person should have done a proper check or perhaps they are not trained. I would pay now and there is a chance youll be okay. No penalty notices have been issued until today we receive the notice demanding 107. I have received 3 fines for one day in June but I have never used the Dartford crossing. I called them and appealed but appeal was rejected and they said my payment will be held it on account of future crossings. Now, here is my concern. Additionally, the signage is extremely poor and seems almost designed to generate fines. Hi I would certainly speak to SANEF the operator about some form of compensation. We tried to pay morning of 28th Feb for both crossings online but must have done it wrong as no payment taken. Try this, AndroidGeobells Location ReminderAlert yourself when you reach or pass a certain location.Get it here. I was away 1/2 weeks ago, should I pay now or await the letter, saying car not found on system? The petrol is more expensive.. Help help help..just received a letter from Dartford this morning with a pcn of 70 or 35 within 14 days but the incident happened in july my friend was driving and his english is not very good and didnt realise he had to pay passing charge. Lease co have forwarded 2 x penalty fines. This is a return to the days of King John. please help me, this is just not good enough if i am charged anymore i will be taking this further, im not sure if i owe 2.50 or 5.00, this is unexceptionable.. Hi Caroline Just to make it clear we dont run the crossing, this page is designed to help drivers get the information they need to avoid fines. She did not understand the toll charge system. The Dart Charge payment is free of charge between 10 pm and 6 am. Data protection she said. Nearly 3.5million motorists have failed to pay the Dartford Crossing toll since the I paid the 7.50 over the phone and they emailed a receipt. Would be possible pay it now, or I have to pay the penalty? For me, they sent all the correspondence to my previous address even though I had my driving license and vehicle document updated during the time I crossed the tunnel. As I have said, there is a very strong presumption that ,,,,,,,, intended the payment to be for his recent crossing, because he surely cannot have intended to receive a penalty by making the payment against a future crossing instead. so AFTER 21 DAY from the date written on the notification 19 Dec 2015 !!! I thought this was correct as the PCN was for 70 and I was paying the toll charge of 2.50. Quote your charge notice number and explain why you believe the penalty is wrong. They will not deal with you either by email or phone snail mail is the only communication In this day & age I despair!!!! Job done Could it be that rather than just send the warning letter asking for 2.50 they also send the penalty notice hoping Ill pay the by mistake? Both crossing took place during the daytime. Charges apply every day The whole world out scam each other and the UK Government back it. You will then be asked to pay the PCN. Where someone has paid a day or two late, and before Dart Charge have even begun to take action on the unpaid crossing by issuing a penalty charge notice, they can be few, if any, reasonable grounds for issuing a PCN, given that the purpose of the penalty system is to encourage compliance with the payment system. Hi, I didnt as I checked payments made again and it clearly said 2.50 paid and have all email/receipt. Im getting very annoyed as it is proving impossible to prepay for a crossing..Terry. All this makes sure, everyone can pay up! I am happy to admit I forgot to pay (its a first offence) but by the time I got a PCN the fine had risen to 107.50 each way :(. Ive seen something about a 14 day exemption for the first time being late to pay the charge, is that true? That sounds horrific can you send the full story?

Dartford crossing - late payment Write on the PCN NO CONTRACT and send it back, as soon as you pay you have agreed to contract. This system has to be one of the worst conceived forms of moronism in whole government. Decision: They the meter. Details of the success of any such actions would be interesting to know. Hope it helps Just set up a payg account too for the future. they hadnt sent the penalty letter for the return journey or the other journey i made in July. I was thus unable to log in and determine whether you had taken payment for the crossing on 28 July. Webemail your request to info@nationalhighways.co.uk Dart Charge Contact Centre Phone: 0300 300 0120 From outside the UK: +44 (0) 300 300 0120 Textphone: 18001 0300 300 TLDR: Forgot To Pay The Dart Charge The Dart Charge applies during the times of 6am to 10pm.
So, forgot to pay my Dartford Dart Charge. If you are contacting us to make a complaint, please see our guidance on how to make a complaint
All rights reserved. Will they nail us for failing again to pay within 24 hours? Thanks for commenting. -yes 37.50 please. The one time I travel over the crossing in May I see no signs about paying a toll and now my friend whose address I use for my UK car emails me to say I have a fine! I paid 2.50 for the 05/09/15 then called customer services to ensure that i do not have anything further to pay. I have tried to pay toll charges from Saturday 18.07.2015 to be told this morning Monday 20.07.2015 I am in the same boat. Find a quiet corner and scream very loudly we feel for you! Just RTS their scare mail and tell them you have no contract with them. Are these extenuating circumstances? I Phoned, and adviser said he would refer it to a supervisor, but I could still travel. I am so angry at myself, I want to pay it online, but it will make no difference now. I cannot pay for the one I missed, I tried on Monday on the phone. What it does not say is that paying before you get a letter just puts your cash in credit and is not used to pay for crossing. I used the Dartford crossing on 09/08/15 at 1858 totally unaware there was a charge for doing so. 10. Happened to me maybe 18 months ago.
Scam involving 'fake' Dartford Crossing website I wonder if possible a refund and an answer. He doesnt tell that story as much anymore . While on holiday in France, I read that first time users of the crossing were being given 14 days to pay in view of the unsatisfactory arrangements for collecting payments (source http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-30633955): Whats the fastest way to make future Dart Charge payments? Its this confusion that is costing motorists cash and helping unofficial websites profit from desperate motorists attempting to beat the payment deadline without the correct information readily available. When asking the lady there which dates I am missing the could not tell. First time ive ever been down that neck of the woods. YOU REALLY NEED CLEAR SIGNAGE 10 MILES OUT ON BOTH SIDES The only reason we noticed coming back was there were no tolls to pay !! Here are the main Dartford Crossing payment methods.