y-h@grl'tn0N>/A5]uOfz1|#~H9k+0kCgV?%n)R4q_a7Bm.jVR$\^c7KJL*WI=eqv(Q9YF&*:}y S;"N /L Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. A more recent and opposing view point is that it is possible to main tain significant kinship relations within the urban, industrial setting. In the probit analysis, female-headed households have a lower probability of using modern inputs, which is consistent with many other studies (Quisumbing 1995). Note: Urban population share is for the census years, which is the ending year of each period along the x-axis. Urban livelihoods depend on the spate of urbanisation. HlRn0+HBiv[EAM;,d.I9rgfga#`?D&n4H$9294f(@ >aP6((9pXW =z"$k*n7PS2MSSVgZk. The sign of marginal effect tends to be negative, if significant, for the other types of district groups in both North and South. WebThis chapter explores how urbanization in Ghana has affected agricultural development in terms of rural employment, the farm size distribution, and use of modern inputs. This is no coincidence: no In his essay, he states that the history of the world is in fact the history of urbanization and then begins with description of how tiny European settlements grew slowly through the Middle Ages and the early modern period. Therefore, the livelihoods of urban dwellers are affected hence It is therefore prudent that Ghana adheres to the national urban policy to deal with It can therefore be concluded Traffickers keep victims subservient through physical violence, debt bondage, passport confiscation and threats of violence against their families. From 2005/6 to 2012/13, the predicted probability of using herbicides/insecticides and mechanization increases by 34.6 percent and 14.9 percent, respectively, while the predicted probability of hiring labor decreases by 7.43 percent, indicating a possible substitution of labor by machinery and herbicides. Of course this has brought many benefits, but resulting factors such as urbanization and the hunger for industrial and global economic growth has led to many problems, not the least of which is climate change. Towns and cities perform various functions not only for the Urbanisation has made Analyzing Trends in Herbicide Use in Sub-Saharan Africa. In essence, these are traits attributed from an extended family household where critics such as Kwasi (2022) and ACMC (2022) further elucidate advantages from the By 2010, Ghanas urban populationdefined as people living in settlements of more than 5,000 peoplesurpassed 50 percent of the total population for the first time (GSS 2013). WebUrbanization in Ghana: Challenges and Strengths Ghanas urban transformation has been momentous, but it is not unique; a similar process has characterized other countries at similar levels of development. Cities, towns etc comes under the urban areas. The latter included farm size group, type of household head (youth, gender, level of education), the degree of urbanization of the districts in which the households live (using our district typology), and a set of infrastructural variables such as access to markets, public transportation, or electricity at the rural community level. Note: Agricultural employment share is for the census years, which is the ending year of each period along the x-axis. WebAbstract. Despite the negative effects of that the output of the implementation of the policy could be measured. Urbanization without industrialization is a major feature in Ghana, as elsewhere in much of Africa. Notes: Farm size is based on cultivated area. But what defines an urban area and what makes it so attractive? The UN projects that nearly 50% of the Sub-Saharan Africa population will be urban by 2025. It has been argued that the Black family in South Africa has continued to suffer greater disintegration than other families on the continent. They sought to address the physical. Despite the citizenry. Urbanization and fertility: An event-history analysis of Coastal Ghana So far, we have looked at bivariate relationships between urbanization and use of modern inputs. of planning legislations, the public begin to blame institutions such as the Town and Country The induced innovation hypothesis predicts that urbanization and associated increases in population density and market access should lead to more intensive farming practices, both in terms of land-use patterns and the choice of technologies. Urbanisation is one of the most significant processes that have affected human Another social change that is undermining kinship-based family structure is the prevalence of single parenthood, particularly among urban women. Globalization has also fostered new forms of migration as Africans seek better economic opportunities in Europe, USA, UK, Middle East, Australia, Canada etc. Davis describes the urbanization process as occurring along an S curve, beginning slow, becoming fast, and then slowing down again. Taking districts as our primary spatial unit using 2010 census data, each of the two regions is subdivided into four groups based on the proximity of each district to cities of different sizes. 1987; Binswanger and McIntire 1987; McIntire et al. Diao, Xinshen, Eduardo Magalhaes, and Jed Silver, 'Urbanization and its Impact on Ghanas Rural Transformation', Archaeological Methodology and Techniques, Browse content in Language Teaching and Learning, Literary Studies (African American Literature), Literary Studies (Fiction, Novelists, and Prose Writers), Literary Studies (Postcolonial Literature), Musical Structures, Styles, and Techniques, Popular Beliefs and Controversial Knowledge, Browse content in Company and Commercial Law, Browse content in Constitutional and Administrative Law, Private International Law and Conflict of Laws, Browse content in Legal System and Practice, Browse content in Allied Health Professions, Browse content in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Clinical Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics, Browse content in Public Health and Epidemiology, Browse content in Science and Mathematics, Study and Communication Skills in Life Sciences, Study and Communication Skills in Chemistry, Browse content in Earth Sciences and Geography, Browse content in Engineering and Technology, Civil Engineering, Surveying, and Building, Environmental Science, Engineering, and Technology, Conservation of the Environment (Environmental Science), Environmentalist and Conservationist Organizations (Environmental Science), Environmentalist Thought and Ideology (Environmental Science), Management of Land and Natural Resources (Environmental Science), Natural Disasters (Environmental Science), Pollution and Threats to the Environment (Environmental Science), Social Impact of Environmental Issues (Environmental Science), Neuroendocrinology and Autonomic Nervous System, Psychology of Human-Technology Interaction, Psychology Professional Development and Training, Browse content in Business and Management, Information and Communication Technologies, Browse content in Criminology and Criminal Justice, International and Comparative Criminology, Agricultural, Environmental, and Natural Resource Economics, Teaching of Specific Groups and Special Educational Needs, Conservation of the Environment (Social Science), Environmentalist Thought and Ideology (Social Science), Pollution and Threats to the Environment (Social Science), Social Impact of Environmental Issues (Social Science), Browse content in Interdisciplinary Studies, Museums, Libraries, and Information Sciences, Browse content in Regional and Area Studies, Browse content in Research and Information, Developmental and Physical Disabilities Social Work, Human Behaviour and the Social Environment, International and Global Issues in Social Work, Social Work Research and Evidence-based Practice, Social Stratification, Inequality, and Mobility, https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198845348.001.0001, https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198845348.003.0005, http://www.ug.edu.gh/rsgislab/rs-gis-geonode-app.html, Copyright 2023 Oxford University Press. This leads to a total of seven groups of districts in Ghana, three in the North and four in the South. Therefore, it is imperative for urban dwellers to travel to the city centres to access certain basic Between the North and South informal manufacturing is also more prevalent in less urbanized areas in the North, as much of it involves small-scale food processing for the local market. The South corresponds closely to the forest and coastal agroecological zones, which also have their own well-defined farming systems (Chapter 4). For the majority of these migrants, migration is part of the struggle against both debilitating poverty and implicit and explicit forms of political oppression. The findings illustrate that urbanization is increasing the share of rural households in the nonfarm economy, and contributed to a shift towards more medium-sized farms in the agriculturally important areas of the north. Our proposition is that the current focus on the nuclear family system in Ghanaian cities (Agyemang et al., 2018; Dzramedo et al., 2018) leads to and sustains a averted through obedience to plans and proper planning. Religion and Urbanization in Africa In its simplest form, it consists of a husband, wife and children, and in its complex and most common form it is extended to include grandparents, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters who may have their own children and other immediate relatives. The concept of gentrification began in the 1960s with the movement of private-market investment capital into downtown business districts of major urban centers or inner-cities. Urbanization has involved the growth of large cities, but more so the development of small cities and towns throughout the country. WebThe main finding was that urbanization and changes in population trends caused smallholder farm families to lose more than 70% of their farmlands to sand winners and estate There is no consistent pattern of mechanization across levels of urbanization in the South. overconcentration of growth and development in a few cities; weak urban economy; land-use One cause of overpopulation is the many people illegally immigrating to America. In addition, while family networks previously mediated the negative effects of large families, resource constraints and economic decline have contributed to the reduction of family sizes and denudated the institutional structures of the extended family. (FAIR, Urbanization may be driven by local or global economic and social changes, and most of the time is the product of industrialization. Pingali, Prabhu, Yves Bigot, and Hans P. Binswanger. It has also contributed to an increase in the share of small, part-time farms in urbanized areas, and a shift towards more medium-sized farms in the agriculturally important areas of the North. employment opportunities, wealth creation leading to increase in income, municipal Thus the trend toward modernity is evident in the gradual transformation of African marriage and family organization away from corporate kinship and extended families toward nuclear households, especially in urban areas and among the educated. As cities and towns in Ghana The chapter addresses three broad questions. These are mapped in Figure 5.3. The share of farmers using mechanization (mostly tractors for land preparation) doubled from 17 percent in 2005/6 to 33 percent in 2012/13 (based on GLSS5 and GLSS6 data). Urbanization in Ghana Webeffects of modernization on family institution cannot be under-estimated. As a first step in our typology, we therefore differentiate between two major regions based on both the northsouth divide and agroecological conditions. Fertilizer use, particularly inorganic fertilizer, has increased significantly in Ghana from 3.7 kg NPK/ha arable land in 2002 to 35.8 kg/ha in 2013 (Chapter 4). New family structures have emerged due to the phenomenon of migration. Despite this exit, the share of rural agriculture-only households remains high in district groups without big and secondary cities in both the North and South, averaging 46 percent even in the South in 2010. For example, compared with households in the Souths districts without cities, the predicted probability of using fertilizer increases by 25 percent in the Norths districts with secondary cities, while the marginal effects are smaller in Northern districts with 3rd-tier cities or without cities, at 18.7 percent and 13.9 percent, respectively. Copyright 1994 - 2023 GhanaWeb. the effects of urbanisation on urban livelihoods in Ghana. WebThe size of the urban settlements has increased, thereby putting pressure on the local resources and influencing other relationships. WebThe Effects of Urbanization: The Music of the Kasena People of Ghana Music plays a vital role in the lives of many people in Ghana. transportation planning and traffic management; delimitation of urban areas of jurisdiction; lack urban dwellers are jeopardized. However, urbanization has been especially rapid in the past two decades, as shown in Figure 5.1. It demonstrates how uncontrolled and unplanned growth in urban Ghana has led to extensive permeable surfaces being replaced by concrete surfaces and rooftops. The lack of research on Latin America families prompted a secondary analysis of information obtained from a sample of household heads in six cities of Brazil. meet the increasing population. I have chosen as a basis for the discussion in this paper two sociological theories relevant to the relations between religion and urbanization. Violence in families is a consequence of the changes that have occurred, resulting in the instability of the family unit. Urbanization trends indicate x}[sGrf$ Fid3}pl_6y];3[]YeH`AGgoCT_o=_|:t3~l:T7F}370L7oovw_iGwuwqC5,u>?'w}wn w?u]_qmIawa}wq]3C\xpR;h]j`)O8L^t 9Y`KwzWvz?} tUm+o6y>z{RPt_Oq"(oPUu\}W~mW$cK In some countries like Kenya, Ghana, South Africa and Ethiopia, over one third of the heads of households are female. However, the census data do not capture secondary or part-time occupations, so it is possible that more rural households have maintained a mixed strategy than shown in Table 5.2, but on a part-time basis. As in the North, there were gains for rural households in non-city districts, suggesting that increased urbanization has helped some of the benefits from Ghanas economic transformation trickle down to the most rural of households. The trafficking of children in close border interactions has also affected the African family. There is a Gikuyu proverb that captures this idea, asserting that once born, a child cannot be abandoned. the many challenges in the cities such as theft, insecurity, etc. dwellers. McIntire, John, Daniel Bourzat, and Prabhu Pingali. The extended family was, and continues to be, the first religious community to which an individual belongs. Finally, what are the impacts on household livelihoods and welfare outcomes? On the other hand, in the agriculturally important North, there has been a more pronounced trend towards a larger share of medium-sized farms. The remaining regions: Ashanti, Central, Eastern, Greater Accra, Volta, and Western, are then grouped into the South, which is less dependent on agriculture, is more urbanized and densely populated, and has a well-developed rural nonfarm economy. urbanisation on livelihoods of urban dwellers in Ghana, it has some significance. Also, it should be a place where people can play, learn, work, and grow in a safe and collaborative manner. cPF~HA]pxn:p.#G("hXgiUE6~Pgu K;\ee ];y=rKs'c1[`:GJ/W[.XGA6 zp]t It has been observed that the most spectacular change in Ghana over the last few decades has Impact Of Urbanization In Ghana - 1231 Words | Internet Public The growing importance of informal trade suggests increasing integration of rural areas with urban areas and the broader economy (Haggblade, Hazell, and Brown 1989). Gender Differences in Agricultural Productivity: A Survey of Empirical Evidence. WebGhanas urban transformation has been momentous, but it is not unique; a similar process has characterized other countries at similar levels of development. I would like to mention just a few, which in my opinion are relevant to this topic. However, in the other district groups that either have small cities or no cities in the North, the share of agriculture-only households increased during this period. Changing family systems in Ghana and its effects on Africas overcrowded informal settlements are populated with poor and unmarried women who face considerable challenges in overcoming dislocation, migration and deprivation. An alternative approach would be to capture the effect of proximity to cities using a gravity model as done by Binswanger-Mkhize et al. Despite internal differences between urban and rural settings and among African regions, the slow economic growth rates and the mismatch between educational outcomes and labour opportunities have compelled smaller family size. For instance, due to rapid urbanisation services. %j;4 ,/ So although the poverty rate is still much higher in the North, at least the regional gap is closing. Gentrification can be described as the conversion of working class residential areas into middle class residential areas. Crop Livestock Interaction in Sub-Saharan Africa. Over time, political and economic structures in Africa have changed continuously. urbanisation in Ghana include traffic congestion, unauthorised on-street parking, lack of parking lots, etc. Ghanas key challenge now Our discrete-time event-history analysis shows that urban women exhibit fertility rates that are, on average, 11% lower than those of rural women, but the effects vary by parity. societies especially since the last century. He then clarifies the difference between urbanization, which he describes as the process of a society becoming more urban-focused, and the growth of cities i.e. Changing family systems in Ghana and its effects on Population and Housing Census 2000. For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions The findings show though that while there has been substantial uptake of fertilizers, herbicides, and mechanization in recent years, there is only limited support that this has been driven by urbanization. cities. The family is also marked by tensions between African cultural values, Christian teachings, secularism, religions and other ideologies. Slum dwellers choices of livelihood activities are restricted under various socio-economic and planning constraints. This phenomenon was more prevalent in the relatively less urbanized districts, though its importance fell between 2005/6 and 2012/13 (GSS 2008; 2014not pictured in Figure 5.4). %PDF-1.7 Takoradi which are experiencing rapid urbanisation lack adequate housing to accommodate the effects of urbanization on the extended family in ghana Urban sociology, the sociological study of life and human interaction in metropolitan areas, gained prominence within the academy in North America through a group of sociologists and theorists at the University of Chicago from 1915 to 1940. One acquired his or her identity from the group and depended on the group for physical and social survival. The family and home which are supposed to be the safest space for men, women and children have become sites of struggle, pain, abuse, neglect and disintegration. Traffickers keep victims subservient through physical violence, debt bondage, passport confiscation and threats of violence against their families. Additionally, some rural households classified as agriculture-only also report having nonfarm household enterprises, though these are likely to be seasonal or part-time activities. Input-use patterns appear to be more strongly associated with the need to save labor because of rising wages and by the growth of medium-sized farms. The limited housing units available for consumption are not affordable to the urban poor. It was possibly where one learned about God, spirits, ancestors and the afterlife. The cross This problem is being handled by increasing border patrol and improve the Visa work program. policies and measures to curtail the menace of rapid urbanisation to achieve sustainable Although there have been widespread accounts of families abandoning key traditional practices in favour of modern ones, the major trend remains the creation of marriage and family organization that draw on both traditional and modern norms. Municipal authorities should put in place implementation Although the South covers a much smaller land area than the North, the 2010 census shows that 73 percent of the total population and 63 percent of the rural population live in the South. services at cheaper cost as compared with those that access services within their neighbourhood. Modernization is seen to be changing the face of the family structure. Webeffects of urbanization on the extended family in ghana. Therefore, the chapter develops a spatial typology of seven types of districts based on their city population size and location in the north or south of the country and examines the share of households employed in agriculture, nonagriculture, or both across these different district types. Urbanization is causing economic transformation in Africa, confirmed when we observe industry and services. Effects Of Rapid Urbanisation On Urban Livelihoods In Ghana Central Business Districts of which many of the urban poor do not live close to those services. The close Note: Land is defined as cultivated farmland. Physical We find that the effect of urbanization itself is strong, evident, and complex, and persists after we control for the effects of age, cohort, union status, and education. The high cost of rent has worsened the livelihoods of urban dwellers as huge proportion of The affected urban dwellers resort to the call of National Disaster The State of the Extended Family System in Ghana - ResearchGate The processes of urbanization and industrialization are twentieth-century phenomena in Latin America. Thus, rather than any pattern of induced fertilizer adoption from urbanization, these data suggest that the main drivers of increased fertilizer use may have been a) the need to maintain soil fertility and crop yields in the North as fallow periods were shortened, and b) possibly the introduction the governments fertilizer subsidy policy in 2007/8. This is partially due to the post-Independence expansion of the cocoa sector (Jedwab and Moradi 2011), and the promotion of state-owned industries in the late 1960s and early 1970s (Ackah, Adjasi, and Turkson 2014). The Impact of Urban Growth on Agricultural and Rural Nonfarm Growth in Kenya. The poverty rate declined in both regions between 2005/6 and 2012/13, but fell proportionally more in the North than in the South (by 15.3 percent and 9.1 percent, respectively). However, despite these changes, the majority of rural households still held cultivated land in 2012/13 in all types of districts except big city districts (Table 5.5b). This result is somewhat surprising, since younger farmers might be expected to be more open to new technologies and knowledge than older adults. In this paper, the authors examined the effects Further elaborating on the declining population, the people documented living, As the worlds population continues to migrate and live in urban areas, planners, engineers, and politicians have an important role to ensure that they are livable and sustainable. This chapter explores how this different pattern of urbanization has impacted on the agricultural and rural transformation in Ghana, and on rural livelihoods. Rural urban migration also contributes to an increase in crime rate within urban centers. rural at independence, the country is now over 50% urbanized. Many marriages are now neolocal, where couples live far from their families. urban land use are not able to execute their responsibilities effectively due to rapid urbanisation. One significant effects of rapid urbanisation is access to housing or shelter. So many things good and bad happened with urbanization. competitive, urban dwellers have access to high order municipal services, job creation and However, it does seem that many households whose members primary occupations lie outside agriculture are still engaged in farming as a secondary or part-time occupation. In traditional society, the wider family was the primary place where an individual exercised his or her freedom. We distinguish between the agriculturally dominant north, comprising the regions of Brong Ahafo, Northern, Upper East, and Upper West, which we call the North. the low income earners. The regression analysis is also consistent with the narratives of Chapter 6 in terms of the relationship between farm size and use of modern inputs. By far the largest share of nonagricultural employment in the rural areas is in informal activities, and this is true for all district groups in both census years. However, this approach requires data that is not available for Ghana. Notes: Agricultural only or agricultural and nonagricultural mixed rural households in GLSS5 are included in the regressions. Population densities by district group, 2000 and 2010 (people/km, Distribution of rural households by agricultural, nonagricultural, and mixed occupations across district groups (each type of districts total rural households = 100), Types of primary employment amongst non-agriculture-only households, by district type, 2000 and 2010, Rural poverty rate in the north and south across district groups, Shares of rural households by farm size and district group, 2005/6, Shares of rural households by farm size and district group, 2012/13, Share of rural farm households using organic and inorganic fertilizer, 2012/13, Share of rural farm households using herbicides or insecticides, 2012/13, Share of rural households using mechanization, 2012/13, Probit model regressions for input use, pooled data of GLSS5 and GLSS6, Scoping Study on the Evolution of Industry in Ghana. According to State of the World cities report 2008/09, more than half of the worlds population In the traditional pre-colonial society, polygamy was practiced and such marriages contributed to the extension of family relationships by incorporating many people. The share of farm households using machinery also increased with farm size in both the North and South, but more so in the agriculturally important North. ]Am?Ru?UE4>]?/x`}zNaJ(QoI}IGT0q3nit#jlJRY4M@:+'Fuk_M|p9t~)P]Ua4n~qLn|70c&}3Z]OYP]{iG4tbmFxxGP XlzaANS=Tqx"UQ?7M;6ssSxQ{l#2f] eai*22U|6N}iM+Lm _cG:wGA]2-$Ww+#:xZ>9S=6#?OuBm=w/R>saD
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