Despite Sam's efforts to pull Molly back into the plane, she is blown out and bisected by the left tailplane. Wendy and Kevin manage to save Ian before he is impaled, but a large wooden tile falls onto another plank, which is sent flying through the air, and punctures a bag of saw dust, blinding Erin. As he relays this information to Janet and Lori, a large truck crashes into the coffee shop killing all three of them; Janet's spine is crushed under the tires. Thirty-nine days later, she attends the memorial service for the victims; she is the only one who thanks Alex for saving her, and gives him a rose to show her gratitude. Upon realizing that Isabella was never on Death's list, Kimberly attempts to sacrifice herself by driving a van into a lake, but she is rescued by Burke and resuscitated by Dr. Ellen Kalarjian, thus granting her "new life". When the accident occurs moments later, George refuses to let Carter go back for her, and she is killed in the accident. Dennis Lapman is one of the survivors of the North Bay bridge. Vengeful spiritTaker of soulsEvil forceSlayer of living beings Ianthony Logan "Ian" McKinley is a survivor of the Devil's Flight roller coaster derailment in Final Destination 3. The dust blinds Candice, who falls off the uneven bars, and her body folds in half backwards, snapping her spine and killing her. Type of Villain Vengeful Fallen Hero Peter Friedkin is the secondary antagonist of 2011 horror movie Final Destination 5 and an indirect posthumous antagonist in both 2000 horror movie Final Destination and 2003 horror movie Final Destination 2. That theory is proven when Peter Friedkin kills agent Jim Block with a handgun, acquiring his remaining days. In Nick O'Bannon's premonition, Samantha is trampled by fleeing spectators, before being crushed by a car engine that flies into the stadium. At the end of the film, Nathan learns from a co-worker that Roy had a brain aneurysm that could have killed him at any moment. When Carter parks his car on railroad tracks, he becomes trapped, but Alex manages to save him just seconds before his car is smashed by an oncoming train. However, it is implied that this is only a form chosen to deal with humans personally. Tim is seen again in a montage at the end of Final Destination 5. [4], Evan is a recent lottery winner. Wendy later learns that Julie was also on the ride and rushes to McKinley's Tricentennial Fair to save her. Carter is seen again in a montage at the end of Final Destination 5. Lori Milligan is the girlfriend of Nick O'Bannon, and one of the survivors of the McKinley speedway crash. At the end, he and Agent Schreck attempt to arrest Alex and chase him into the woods, but after they witness Alex rescue Clear Rivers, Alex is cleared of suspicion. When Nick panics and attempts to escape, he accidentally bumps into Carter on his way out. Like Satan, Death also uses. Although he is originally not on Death's list, Brian's death is prevented by Rory Peters, and he is added to the list. After Officer Thomas Burke tells Kimberly to exit the car, Shaina, Dano, and Frankie are killed by the same truck from Kimberly's premonition. In Nick's premonition, Hunt and Janet are both crushed by the concrete stands when the stadium collapses. But in fact . As she reprimands the group for their actions the accident occurs and a stray tire flies out of the stadium and obliterates her, severing her head and left arm, similar to her death in Nick's premonition. Michael Corman is the father of Kimberly Corman. Carter Daniels is a character from the movie The Final Destination, serving as a minor antagonist in the film. Usually, one of the victims is saved, but in the end (or after some seconds), he/she is still killed as intended due to "Death's list", resulting in the protagonist and some friends being killed in the end (or in the space between the sequels). [11][16], Nora Carpenter is one of the survivors of the Route 23 pile-up. Her death devastates Carter, and causes him to resent George, whom he blames for his wife's death. However, in "Final Destination 5", Bludworth also reveals to the survivors of the bridge collapse that they can avoid Death if they take someone else's life by killing another person. Alex is mentioned again in Final Destination 3 and seen in archive footage in Final Destination 5. Nadia's death is seen again in a montage at the end of Final Destination 5. This leaves Ian devastated and causes him to resent Wendy, even though he was responsible for loading the nail gun that killed Erin. When Sam panics, a confused Isaac follows him off the bus, and witnesses the bridge collapse moments later. When she warns them they attempt to stop the train, and the screen then cuts to black, followed by the sound of screeching metal, leaving Julie's fate unknown. If s/he survives not only does the list not stop, Death cheats by beginning all over again so it can kill the previous survivor (again changed in the second movie when Kimberly was the first one to die and she was saved by Officer Burke). Clear Rivers explains that this is because it wasn't his turn to die yet. He later encounters the other survivors at a cafe, where he witnesses Terry Chaney's death. She attends grad night at the amusement park with her boyfriend Kevin, best friend Wendy, and Wendy's boyfriend Jason Wise. He was one of the students aboard the Devil's Flight, who was removed due to the fight. Wendy gets the couple behind them to back up, but the truck is already too close, and Kevin is forced to break the windshield. Death (Final Destination) | Villains Wiki | Fandom The Final Destination movies, ranked | When Lewis lifts the machine one more time, the weights fall and crush his head. Hobby He was in charge of chaperoning the students on their trip to Paris. [2] When Alex Browning warns everyone that the plane will explode, Clear is the only one who believes him, and she leaves the plane along with six others, who witness the plane explode shortly after. It is the first installment in the Final Destination film series and stars Devon Sawa, Ali Larter, Kerr Smith, and Tony Todd. He is one of the survivors of the McKinley Speedway and one of the people being stalked by death to bring his soul to the afterlife. While on their way to a corporate retreat, Sam warns him that the bridge they are crossing will collapse. Carter Daniels | Villains Wiki | Fandom Final Destination is an American horror franchise consisting of five films, ten novels, and two comic books composed of six issues in total. She later attends a meeting for the survivors at Officer Thomas Burke's apartment, but leaves early to plan her son's funeral. After a handful of students are thrown off the plane, Ms. Lewton volunteers to stay behind and watch them, convincing Mr. Larry Murnau to get back on the plane. Unbeknownst to Wendy, she and her friend Perry Malinowski board the Devil's Flight roller coaster and even sit right in front of Wendy and Kevin Fischer. Kevin is seen again in a montage at the end of Final Destination 5. Before the ride starts, Wendy Christensen has a premonition that the ride will crash. Jonathan is a cowboy who visits the McKinley Speedway. Abraham High School, and a casualty of the explosion of Flight 180. Ian McKinley is one of the survivors of the Devil's Flight roller coaster. After berating Carter, Terry storms off in anger, and is suddenly hit by a speeding bus. The fire is worsened when a falling candle, knocked off a shelf by his vibrating phone, ignites spilled alcohol (used to sterilise the needles). In his premonition, Nick is killed when the force from an exploding motor engine pushes him into a metal pipe. His death is referenced in the opening credits of The Final Destination, and he is seen again in a montage at the end of Final Destination 5. The remaining passengers begin to shout, forcing the operators to start the ride, which crashes shortly after as Wendy predicted, and she is the first to fall off the ride before Jason and the others. She is the sixth survivor to die. Technically, the answer is both yes and no. I am an admin of this site. She break up with Kevin the day after the incident. She is the seventh and final survivor of Flight 180 to die. [2] He was supposed to board Flight 180 with his classmates for their senior trip to Paris, but got stuck in the airport's restroom before the plane's departure. She is on her way to a corporate retreat when Sam has a premonition that the bridge they are crossing will collapse, killing everyone on it except for Molly, whom Sam would have gotten across the bridge safely. His death is referenced in the opening credits of The Final Destination and seen again in a montage at the end of Final Destination 5.[4]. Death Unbeknownst to them, a stack of supplies falls on to the gear shift of a forklift, which begins to follow them. A cart of fireworks go off in their direction and barely miss Wendy, striking a nearby cherry picker instead. He stumbles out to what ends up being the . The character that has appeared the most in the series is William. Moments later Nadia is obliterated by a stray tire, leaving Andy devastated. Olivia Castle is one of the survivors of the North Bay bridge. The fire eventually spreads and causes an explosion which destroys her whole house, as Alex flees the scene. Final Destination 5 Peter is on his way to a corporate retreat with his colleagues when Sam has a vision that the bridge they're crossing will collapse, killing everyone on it. Perry's death is seen in x-ray format during the opening credits of The Final Destination, and again in a montage at the end of Final Destination 5. However, while visiting a mall cinema with Janet, Lori begins to see omens as well and suspects they are still in danger. After one semester in college, she then travels the world and becomes a groupie for Doctors Without Borders. Abraham High School, and Alex Browning's arch rival. After the masseuse finishes the acupuncture session she leaves him on the table. Two weeks later, he and Molly board a plane to Paris which is revealed to be Flight 180, and he is incinerated with the other passengers when the plane explodes in midair. As a result, Alex learns that if someone intervenes Death will move on to the next person. Disregarding Alex's warning, she stays on the plane and is incinerated among 286 other passengers. In an alternate version of Final Destination 3, Jason survives the derailment after Wendy receives an alternate premonition. Barbara is first seen helping Alex pack his bags before his flight to Paris, and is later seen comforting Alex after the plane explodes. Wendy Christensen is the protagonist and visionary of Final Destination 3. In Final Destination 2, it is revealed that Clear is the last survivor of Flight 180, and has committed herself to a mental institution to protect herself from Death. Horrified by Perry's death, she quickly leaves the fair. During a high school grad night, Lewis visits a local amusement park with his graduating class, and boards the Devils's Flight roller coaster. [11][12][13][17], Kimberly "Kim" Corman is the protagonist and visionary of Final Destination 2. Death skips Wendy after she dodges a set of fireworks and Ian is crushed by a nearby cherry picker. Nick has another premonition of a disastrous mall explosion in which Lori would have been killed after falling into an open escalator engine, but he manages to arrive in time to stop the explosion before it occurs, leading them to believe they have cheated Death. Goals The machine's emergency mode activates and revives him, but Clear abruptly opens his door which completely detaches the plug, creating a spark that ignites the oxygen and incinerates them both. While he relaxes by the pool, someone in the adjacent field hits a golf ball, which hits Hunt. Sherry Pulaski | Villains Wiki | Fandom Molly Harper is one of the survivors of the North Bay bridge. He is numb and unable to move when a plastic blowfish from a hanging mobile falls into his mouth, and nearly chokes him to death, but another dentist enters the room and removes it before that can happen. Clear Rivers and Kat Jennings try to help her, but the elevator continues to rise until she is decapitated by the force,[4] to the horror of Eugene and the man who had been carrying the hooks. The accidents seen by each movie and novel's main character, before they "cheated Death": Slaying people who are "supposed" to die. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Wendy is considered a control freak among her peers, and her anxiety is evident when they decide to ride the roller coaster Devil's Flight. After being announced as a . Frankie's death is referenced during the opening credits of The Final Destination and is seen again in a montage at the end of Final Destination 5. Tod Waggner is one of the survivors of Flight 180. Ali Larter. Final Destination (film) - Wikipedia He is a widower and recovering alcoholic who grieves over the deaths of his wife and daughter, and inadvertently responsible for the accident that killed them because he was driving under the influence of alcohol at the time. He later confronts Alex at a cafe where they witness Terry's death, leaving Carter devastated. Powers / Skills Wendy has another premonition that the train will crash, and Kevin will be ground between the train and the tunnel wall after falling out the window. She is the first survivor to die. Final Destination - Wikipedia When the survivors begin to die, Wendy and Kevin go to the hardware store where Erin and Ian work to warn them, but they are skeptical and sarcastic. He awakens just as Christa asks him to change seats, just like in his vision, and begins to panic. He is the third survivor to die. Before the ride starts, Wendy Christensen has a premonition that the ride will crash. Agent Jim Block is an FBI agent investigating the North Bay bridge collapse. Rory pulls Brian out of the path of a speeding news van at the last second, and he is unknowingly added to Death's list. After saving Carter Horton, Alex distances himself from the group, believing that he is next on Death's list. Kimberly sacrifices herself for Burke's sake, and after he saves her, she is resuscitated by Dr. Ellen Kalarjian, thus granting her "new life". However, this proves to be insufficient, as Nathan learns that Roy had a brain aneurysm that would inevitably have killed him anyway, just before he is killed by a falling piece of wreckage from Vole Airlines Flight 180. When Evan Lewis dies, Kimberly seeks the help of Flight 180 survivor Clear Rivers, who initially refuses, but later brings her and Officer Thomas Burke to William Bludworth. Ali Larter - IMDb Unlike Julie and Perry, she does not board the Devil's Flight roller coaster and is thus spared from the collision. Several of Death's clues include the number 666, which means that Death is a satanic force. Despite having already graduated two years prior, he attends McKinley's grad night at the amusement park where he continues to harass Ashley Freund and Ashlyn Halperin and follows them onto the Devil's Flight roller coaster. Burke falsely accuses Isabella of grand theft auto, and she is incarcerated. Jason Robert Wise is Wendy Christensen's boyfriend and a casualty in the Devil's Flight roller coaster derailment. As they drive through town Carter learns that he is next on Death's list and begins to drive recklessly through the streets. After his girlfriend died, he would have later served as the film's secondary antagonist. Still, many of the characters are able to evade these and continue to survive. When she panics, a fight breaks out, and Frankie follows Ashley and Ashlyn off the ride, which crashes shortly after. He is the partner of Agent Schreck. As a result, Kimberly stalls her SUV to prevent other drivers from entering the freeway. Nora is a widow who lives with her teenage son Tim Carpenter, after her husband died four years earlier. When Kimberly discovers that Death is still after the survivors she learns that "new life" can break the chain, and Isabella is incarcerated by Deputy Steve Adams under Officer Thomas Burke's orders to protect her from Death. Abraham High School, and the girlfriend of Carter Horton. Carrie is a senior at McKinley High School and about to go to University of California, Berkeley. When he reaches into the drain to retrieve it, his watch causes his hand to get stuck. Many beloved horror movies feature iconic villains, but some of the most-watched genre classics are so popular because of their heroes. When Nick panics and attempts to leave the stadium he accidentally bumps into Carter. Molly and Sam rekindle their relationship, and after learning that Death is still after them, they attempt to save the survivors. The guards try to settle the horse down and tie it to a flagpole. Kenneth "Ken" Browning is the father of Alex Browning and the husband of Barbara Browning. Before take off, Alex has a premonition that a catastrophic mechanical failure will cause the plane to explode in mid-air, killing everyone on board. [4], Rory's death is seen in x-ray format in the opening credits of The Final Destination, and he is seen again in a montage at the end of Final Destination 5.[11][12][13][14][15]. When she panics, Wendy is escorted off the ride, along with nine others, and witnesses the ride crash shortly after, killing the remaining passengers, including Jason and Carrie, leaving Wendy devastated. While attempting to set a giant cross on fire on George's front lawn, a horseshoe hanging from his tow truck's rear view mirror falls onto the gear shift and the truck begins to roll away. Perry Malinowski is one of the survivors of the Devil's Flight roller coaster. Protagonist Kimberly Corman thought that protecting Isabella long enough so she could have her baby, would save everyone from being killed, but another premonition from Kimberly shows that Isabella was never meant to die in the car pile-up, resulting in a big explosion that kills Eugene Dix and Flight 180 survivor Clear Rivers. He is the second survivor to die. Most of her attempts are futile, with the exception of Ian McKinley, her younger sister Julie Christensen, and Kevin. After a truck nearly crushes him into a cross-hatched fence, a CO2 tank explodes and flies into Andy, knocking him into the fence and makes his back go into pieces. As a result, Kimberly stalls her SUV to prevent other drivers from entering the freeway. Isaac is an office worker at Presage Paper and a perverse womanizer. Ashley and Ashlyn are two ditzy best friends who visit the amusement park for McKinley High School's grad night. Category:Antagonists | Final Destination Wiki | Fandom Antagonists Category page Edit Antagonists are villains throughout the series. They keep a close eye on Alex, and their suspicion grows even more when the survivors begin to die one by one. His death affected Ms. Lewton the most, who became guilt-ridden, holding herself personally responsible for his death. However, it's his appearance in "Final Destination 5" that throws his true intentions into question. Over the next several months, the survivors begin to die one by one in a series of bizarre accidents, and after learning that Death is still after them, Alex attempts to figure out Death's plan and save the remaining survivors. Whereas the original Final Destination opened with a plane crash, Final Destination 2 rendered a massive multi-car pileup on a freeway. Hi. While she is leaving, a rock, which was tossed into the path of a lawn mower by one of her sons, is shot through her eye, killing her. When Hunt dives in the pool to retrieve it, he is sucked in by the drain as well. In Final Destination 3, a newspaper article reveals that Burke and Kimberly were killed after being knocked into a woodchipper at a hardware store; however, this is only mentioned in an alternate ending, making it non-canon. In Nick's premonition, Lori is killed when an engine explodes and engulfs her in flames. Another detail of the list is the possibility of one of the victims being saved, but still being in danger due to the pattern: if Death manages to miss someone (or "skip" someone as it is usually referred to), it will immediately move to the next person on the list and so on until it reaches the protagonist. Special Agent Schreck is an FBI agent. While packing her things, she makes coffee, but after being startled and throwing the coffee out of the mug, she puts vodka and ice into the same mug. Although the other survivors meet their demise, Kimberly, Clear, and Burke manage to save Isabella and her infant son. Death, also known as the Grim Reaper, is the unseen main antagonist of the Final Destination film series. In Wendy's premonition, Ian and Erin fall to their deaths when the ride gets stuck upside down. He is one of the survivors of Flight 180, and the sixth survivor to die. He is portrayed by Justin Welborn. He is the second survivor to die. In an alternate version of the scene, the cherry picker collapses right on Ian, leaving nothing left of him. When Nick panics and attempts to escape, he accidentally bumps into Andy, who angrily follows him out of the stadium with Nadia in tow. At the hospital, she is requested by Isabella's obstetrician and Officer Thomas Burke immobilizes her as Isabella gives birth. The next day, Tim is killed while leaving the dentist, leaving Nora devastated. Wendy and Kevin Fischer later stop at a local drive-through, where a beer truck rams into the side of Kevin's truck, trapping them. In Final Destination, Alex Browning and Clear Rivers sneak inside Bludworth's morgue to see Tod Waggner's corpse. Hunt takes the gun and places it on the pool's control box, but the gun falls onto a lever, causing the pool to start draining. Two weeks later, while at a cafe with Lori and Janet, Nick realizes the mall disaster vision was only a feint meant to lead them to where they needed to be for Death to strike. He is the fourth survivor to die. Carter attempts to stop his truck, but a loose towing cable wraps around his ankle and drags him down the street. When Sam panics, Nathan follows him off the bridge before it collapses. The three attempt to stop the train, with Kevin attempting to use the emergency brake, and the screen cuts to black, followed by the sound of screeching metal, leaving his fate unknown.
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