Earbuds hurt my ears. 9rM5SM>&o Im very not clear on what the time difference between removing headphones and removing earbuds is? Its one thing if you want to cultivate a certain professional presentation in your department, but unless you are subsequently sending them home and/or giving them a stipend to immediately update their possessions, expecting same-day compliance is really over the top. But we dont have enough information to make any judgment at all is what Im saying. That time i told her to please quit it. My question iswhat is the difference, to you, between headphones and earbuds. So especially in a role like IT, where they need to focus on finding issues that may be buried goodness-knows where, why would you want to make their lives difficult because of optics and some self imposed discomfort by having to wait a few extra moments for them to pay attention. Maybe they have noticed you on your phone or non-work related websites a lot. I would not make this a rule. Making the break involves so much more not to mention completely re-wiring a learned behavior. Im wondering would said manager have an issue with bone conduction headphones too? It is not immature to want to be ablee to focus on your work. If I said No headphones, I would expect the other person tonot wear headphones unless they addressed why they wouldnt or shouldnt follow through right away. I agree the earbud/headphone rule is silly. Pick and choose when you wear headphones. He probably thought it was okay to wear them for the rest of the day until he could go out and get a pair of earbuds; thats what I would have done. Headphones and earbuds offer great musical sound by canceling out most or all of the ambient noise around you. Yep, exactly. It took me 7 years and many tries to finally get out, I also went back after a restraining order. But I understand different industries have different standards. I dont like how you look when you work, and also, I resent the 2-second wait I have to do to get your attention when youre working on something. Also, some people legitimately cant wear them because they can cause ear problems. Not permitting me to listen to music at a low enough volume that I can have both pods in and still carry on conversation would be a petty dick move. Also, to hopefully forestall going down the thats different, thats a disability route again a) I didnt have a formal diagnosis until two years ago and still dont have formal accommodations at work because b) Ive thankfully had fairly limited exposure to work environments where this is the best way for me to do the sort of work that I do requires a doctors note to protect it from arbitrary managerial whim. Since this is an old letter, hopefully OP has since learned how to differentiate reasonable requirements vs. unreasonable ones. I read it that way too but then I re-read and I think its two weeks between INFORMAL offer and FORMAL offer. They create a sense of isolation from everyone else in your life, and can make you feel like they are the only one who understands you. Another generational things. If I went to HR in a circumstance like this one and my manager openly violated our non-retaliation policy in response, I would call the corporate ethics line and report the violation. Were in an extremely loud open office, and my back faces a busy thoroughfare leading to one of the few meeting rooms on our floor. Many, many women go back multiple times. Or are you banning their use for meetings as well? Workers who are listening to their earbuds cant hear whats going on around them. OP needs to BUTT OUT. I probably would go to HR, because at that point my boss has shown themselves to be unreasonable and Id want to cover my @ss. I dont get the reaction though. Id be so annoyed if only people who could tolerate earbuds could listen to music or podcasts while they worked. Wed like to offer you this position, and well send over an offer letter for you to look at. THEN its a two-week waiting period. Youngstown State University has a duty of care for the health and safety of staff, students, contractors and visitors. And OP also expected instant compliance with the rule, as though one can simply change over-the-ear headphones into earbuds? I have two I.T. Sometimes, MommyMD, you genuinely have valuable insight, but you often deliver it so unpleasantly. Then you expect them to be truthful to them. If they push further then say Its just an old injury you know how it is, you assume itll get better and then realise ages down the line that it never quite has, see a doctor and realise you should have mentioned it ages ago (which if its childbirth related probably isnt a lie) if they push further, reiterate about the note if its needed, say how much you appreciate their support, and offer to ask the doctor if there are any accommodations they can think of which would help. Im an earbud wearer, and often have people come up to talk to me. You have no idea what was happening in that car on the side of the road. If you require deep concentration, try listening to ambient sounds. Ok, I admit that Im the Queen of weird injuries. The point Im trying to make is that unless theres an accommodation, an employee doesnt need to use headphones to do their job. Earbuds are uncomfortable for me, but people in my office think that headphones = do not disturb (rightly! You can wait that moment or two for them to take their headphones off. xrJUKr8VIEXR4ytcf0"%,K@;CP2--w_3z_GhG*m47gS~[}[G9~W-6A;,)rVP&}4U{C\_u4mW? If I have to take my hearing aids out to use earbuds, not only do I have to worry about losing the (VERY expensive) little devils, but when someone wants to talk to me, I would have to not only remove the earbuds but put at least one of my hearing aids in before I can converse. I really dont understand why someone would ban headphones but not earbuds. It may not need to be explicitly spelled out, but headphones for ANY usage is still not a perk. This is what I came here to say! There is a switch to turn on/off the noise cancelling, and you can use the noise cancelling with or without music, and listen to music with or without the noise cancelling. And only one earphone being used, so I was always able to hear people approaching. The reasons for introducing the ban are: * Wearing headphones make employees seem unapproachable. As far as I can tell, my job has a ticketing system but for a lot of issues ( such as password resets) , Im supposed to call the helpdesk, they solve the problem and almost simultaneously create and close the ticket. People wear headphones or headsets for online meetings because they HEAR better. And there's other noises like typing, clicking, splashing. I really, really dont. The one pair Ive owned was actually painful for me to wear for too long because of that. Putting on over the ear (OTE) headphones appears as though the wearer is deliberately shutting out the rest of the world, and was a common way to message eff off and leave me alone. So they can appear to some people as a minor but in your face gesture. But I think a communication protocol would be better than an outright ban. Disagree. I would not have thought oh hey my manager wants me to switch over to earbuds that must take effect right this second and not tomorrow after Ive had a chance to buy a pair of earbuds.. The unspoken rule was obviously to be respectful by not turning it up to 11 and to take headphones out when someone came up to your cube or called. While you may decide to simply ban earbud and headphone use at work entirely, thats not always the best option. Would it be difficult for the employee to tell the boss about such a scenario? Should I Let My Employees Wear Earbuds? | IndustryWeek While OSHA doesnt have any specific rules or guidelines on the use of headphones at work, it did state a position in the fall of 2019 stating, Listening to music may produce a safety hazard by masking environmental sounds that need to be heard, especially on active construction sites where attention to moving equipment, heavy machinery, vehicle traffic and safety warning signals may be compromised.. Headphones are one of the few things that make open office hell tolerable. This is incredibly unreasonable. At every organization Ive worked in during my career, the help desk ticketing system was only available to the IS department, and you have to call or email for actual support. If youre unsure how loud is too loud, ask the people around you if they can hear what youre listening to. Theyll be thinking, what new rules will you suddenly impose next week? If they are needed due to ADA, that is an accommodation, not a perk. If they came up and said oh hey, I meant for that rule to take effect this minute, please dont use your headphones. I would use one of those lines you suggested. and Labels No Soliciting Wash your hands Do not enter No Smoking No Parking Cell Phone / Texting Fire extinguisher Payment Policies. Would it make me quit on the spot? If this is just an optics issue, please rethink. Not to be dramatic, but please, PLEASE dont be like our management team. I also have issues with people noticing me wearing earbuds since I have long hair and you cant see my ears. We have a ticket system and it means Im NOT supposed to go up to IT and ask them for help. That makes sense and is a good compromise. Honestly, if someone told me she was going for physical therapy, it would never in a million years occur to me that it was pelvic floor therapy. You may be working your butt off, but maybe you arent prioritizing in the way they want, or maybe working your butt off isnt getting the results they want, and they are trying to understand. Its what Ive okd for my team. But how many internal users are just approaching IT with an issue? 9 0 obj The change will have exactly zero effect on performance, since employees would still be wearing (smaller, less visible) headphones, and still have to stop to take them off. So should I go ask why someone is using a mobility device because well I dont need it and work fine standing on my feet, why do you need that cane? Thats pretty severe of course but in a lot of cases, if you read the comments, youll see that some people with ADHD or sensory issues do require a quiet space to work and concentrate. Ugh, yes it can be so hard to wear headphones when you also wear glasses. Earbuds can also raise ear wax accumulation, cause ear infections, gather dirt and bacteria, give birth to germs and make your eardrums burst even if theyd feel completely comfortable. However, the fact that the employee immediately went to HR and other details in the letter make me think there is more to this story than is told here. I had a spontaneous bleed in my middle finger. HR is always the right place to go for this kind of issue. Never fear, you won't begin receiving daily sales emails that belong in a spam folder. In 2017, a man in Michigan was walking on the train tracks while listening to music through headphones. No, it is not possible. tell the internal clients office hours are X-Y; otherwise use the ticketing system Advantages of PLD use. Because in my actual post I am not, in any way, arguing in favor of managers making arbitrary rules, and Im genuinely not sure what point youre trying to make here. So, if this rule stays, should the employer or the employee pay for them ? For workers who currently use radios or speakers that might . Retaliation is your word. ), the majority of tickets actually involve people being unable to use the ticketing system or phone due to network/telephony issues. This is great for when you need to get stuff done, but when you wear them all day, it can begin to interfere with other peoples work. Use of Music Headphones on Construction Sites | Occupational Safety and Shanling M1s Review Headfonics Either you need to be 100% instantly available (no earbuds or headphones) or you dont. But a few coworkers try to get my attention by coming in through my meighbors cube, and standing silently, sort of behind me in a blond spot. I can see how this is an issue. Dont expect your team to know whats expected if you havent set any boundaries or policies around headphones in the workplace. I think this falls in the category of you may find it unnerving, but the employee is not actually doing anything wrong. Waiting a few seconds for someone to take off their headphones is not a big deal. HR may even know about a disability he has disclosed and that is why he went to HR. Something besides earbuds was going on between this employee and boss. Colleagues used to walk up to my desk and if I was concentrating and I didnt see them, I wouldnt know they were there. I believe I understand your point about headphones being a productivity tool, but for some positions its not an option and those people still get work done, so sorry, it seems to me like if youre allowed to use a productivity tool that others arent (minus if that reason is for an accommodation), then it is indeed a perk.
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