The "B" indicator is set when both IRS and TOP debt indicators are present. Do not change your control base for (B) debts which are both tax and TOP. RC 1 results from an attempt to post a TC 898 with document code 45 when it does not find a TC 840 with the same DLN after 10 cycles. See IRM, Allocation of Injured Spouse Form 8379. You may encounter situations that require an opinion by IRS Chief Counsel. Issue a manual refund using BPI 1 and BS 9. Refer to IRM, Authorities, for more information. Notate this information on your case history along with the name of the Bureau of the Fiscal Service CSR who provided it. Due date of return (determined without regard to any extension of time for filing). When processing an injured spouse form against a Treasury Offset Program offset, all EITC must be allocated on Form 8379 Injured Spouse Allocation Worksheet prior to applying each state's applicable laws to the remaining overpayment. The IRS can assert its rights as creditor in collecting tax debts through tax offset but may not assert this right on behalf of other Federal agencies in collecting their debts through TOP offsets. Evidence may be either a copy of the unfiled tax return (including all forms and W-2s) or an IDRS print showing the amount of the overpayment available for refund. All taxpayers will file Form 1040. For offsets involving child support, see IRM, Child Support TOP Offsets. Do not attempt to reverse the offset, merge the case without regards to the TC 898. One adjustment will be for the original overpayment and the second adjustment will be for the EIP. BPI 9 generates on the first refund (TC 846), issued after the reversal of a TOP offset to a secondary TIN's debt. TC 899 (TOP offset reversal record generated by Bureau of the Fiscal Service) See IRM, TC 899, Reversal or Agency Refund of TOP Offset, for the record type descriptions. Notice is sent by itself the day check was to be mailed. Before reversing any offset to Office of Child Support Enforcement (Agency Codes 1 and/or 2), see IRM, Child Support TOP Offsets. Refer Taxpayer to TOP Call Center above for offset information. For late filed returns with pre-paid credits, you must figure the 2-year period from the date the tax is considered paid. Individual Income Tax Return, or amended return Form 1040-X, Amended U.S. This is due to the timing involved in the data exchange between Bureau of the Fiscal Service and the IRS. Send Letter 3179C, Refund Offset to Treasury Offset Program (TOP) and Injured Spouse Inquiries or Letter 285C, Refund/Overpayment Applied to Account, to the taxpayer informing them that we allocated it for them. The (I) indicator is not always set for all Federal tax debts. If the taxpayer reported excess APTC on their original return but did not allocate the excess APTC on Form 8379, allocate one-half the APTC for each spouse (50/50). The other spouse is entitled to $93 (1,500 x .062). Stimulus Check Warning: IRS Can Reduce Your Recovery Rebate - Kiplinger The TOP Liaison will prepare the Form 3809, Miscellaneous Adjustment Voucher, and include it with the substantiating documents to AM Process & Program Management Analyst for inclusion in the manual reversal request package. Eligibility for the payment is based on the CTC shown on the tax year 2020 return (2019 if a 2020 return has not posted). Send a Letter 3179C, Refund Offset to Treasury Offset Program (TOP) and Injured Spouse Inquiries, with paragraph "o" informing the taxpayer of the delay in processing the Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation. 11-2016 (MeF) and Rev.11-2016), issue the refund in both names. Send letter 3179C, asking the taxpayer to resubmit their Form 8379, if there is a refund after the reconsideration is complete. After an offset occurs, there are situations when we ask the Bureau of the Fiscal Service to reverse it. 11-2016 (MeF) and Rev. When the taxpayer calls concerning his/her injured spouse allocation, TC 150 with Blocking Series (BS) 92 or TC 971 Action Code (AC) 071, use the following chart: Do not make any changes to the account or release the refund without first contacting the area that worked the injured spouse allocation. The time limit for reversing an offset to Office of Child Support Enforcement (Agency Codes 1 and/or 2) does not apply when processing Injured Spouse Allocation cases. there is a TC 898 or TC 971 AC 598 on the account, Determine if any of the refund amount was issued per. If a taxpayer calls and wants to update their address after filing Form 8379, refer to IRM, Updating Address Records for instructions. Financial help for businesses - Coronavirus COVID-19 Response - California In Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. (2015), the United States Supreme Court held that (1) all states must allow same-sex couples to marry on the same terms and conditions as opposite-sex couples, and (2) states must recognize lawful same-sex marriages performed in other states. Transfer the Injured Spouse's portion of the refund back to the joint account. However, if the taxpayer has other issues or requests information, you may work these other issues and contact the taxpayer if needed. (1) IRM Reworded IRC 6402 information, (2) IRM Disclosure restructured section and updated IRM references, (3) IRM IPU 22U0145 issued 01-21-2022 Added instructions to input a History Item, (4) IRM IPU 22U0736 issued 06-17-2022 Box 8 & 9 Refer case to local Directorates AM Paper Function, (5) IRM IPU 22U0736 issued 06-17-2022 Added prior year returns processed during COVID, (6) IRM IPU 22U0215 issued 02-03-2022 New Taxpayer calls regarding letter 3179C, (7) IRM (1) Added Form 1040 SR, (8) IRM d) IPU 22U0406 issued 03-18-2022 MeF Form 8379 and IPU 22U0736 issued 06-17-2022 Note revised instructions for Form 8379 programming issue, (9) IRM d) IPU 22U0215 issued 02-03-2022 Added procedure to input a TC 290 .00 with a Hold Code 4, (10) IRM f) IPU 22U0145 issued 01-21-2022 Updated Note to input a TC 290 .00 with HC 4, (11) IRM j) IPU 22U0145 issued 01-21-2022 Reworded to look for both an OIC indicator and TC 780 individually, (12) IRM IPU 22U0145 issued 01-21-2022 Added to have the taxpayer send Form 8379 via fax or mail, (13) IRM a) Updated to see IRC 6511 for exceptions regarding timeframes for submitting Form 8379, (14) IRM Updated to see IRC 6511 for exceptions regarding timeframes for submitting Form 8379, (15) IRM (3) Reworded to include IRC 6511 and added a Caution regarding IRC 6511, (16) IRM IPU 22U0736 issued 06-17-2022 Caution removed the requirement to enter zero, (17) IRM (2), (3) and (4) Changed to a step list and removed the table, (18) IRM New American Rescue Plan Act of 2020, (19) IRM b) IPU 22U0145 issued 01-21-2022 Added to input the TC 770 for zero on the last adjustment, (20) IRM Updated OBR information to include OIC information, (21) IRM IPU 22U0145 issued 01-21-2022 Added Note for The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), (22) IRM (1), Added information for Coronavirus Aid, (6) expanded procedures (7) added a reminder, (23) IRM (3) IPU 22U0736 issued 06-17-2022 Reworded for clarity regarding RRC split between each spouse, (24) IRM IPU 22U0215 issued 02-03-2022 New manual refund requirement and IPU 22U0229 issued 02-04-2022 Reworded manual refund requirement and IRM IPU 22U0736 issued 06-17-2022 Updated refund procedures, (25) IRM 21.4.6 Editorial changes made throughout this revision, Karen Michaels You must take into consideration all TOP transaction codes with the same OTNs. a TOP offset has occurred and the TOP offset notice was not received. But you can avoid the wait by using the automated phone system. Primary and secondary taxpayers have different last names and the secondary taxpayer is the debtor. Notate NCP SC 2 on CIS cases. A taxpayer may submit a Form 911 or request a hardship refund of all or a portion of the overpayment on the return even though he/she may owe a Federal tax debt, child support or other TOP debt. In these instances, the refund will be sent as a paper check. If the secondary spouse owes the debt, the debtor TIN will also be shown DEBTOR-TIN. Community property allocations are dependent upon whether the states recognized community property rights for same-sex marriage. TC 899, type 3, with negative money amount, is used by Bureau of the Fiscal Service for an IRS Manual Reversal Request and for a refund issued by Bureau of the Fiscal Service. Contact the TOP Liaison at , if needed. A manual refund due to hardship with BPI 3 must not be used to bypass a TOP offset. Research the account for agency refunds (TC 899 or TC 971 AC 599 Type 2) or prior reversals (TC 766 with an Offset Trace Number (OTN)). Input the net credit adjustment (TC 29X) using HC 1 or HC 4 and the appropriate blocking series, SC, RC, and PDC for 1 cycle. Cases approved for TOP offset reversal may be referred to Accounts Management (AM) by Insolvency. If the injured spouse is not responsible for any part of the debt which offset, always reverse the injured spouse's share of the refund when working a Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation. A TC 766 input for more than the net amount results in an UPC 189. Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, taxpayers must continue to report coverage, qualify for exemption, or pay the SRP for tax years 2017 and 2018. The Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation, is an allocation of the taxpayers joint income, payments, deductions, exemptions, and credits used to determine each spouses share of the joint overpayment subject to offset for any eligible individual or joint, Federal tax debt or TOP debts. Once Insolvency determines the offset is in violation of the automatic stay, Insolvency will contact the TOP Liaison for a copy of the Insolvency Special Procedures Referral Form. Form 1040, U.S. The TOP Liaison will manually input the TC 971 AC 598 with OTN if the information is available for audit trail purposes. is involved, refer to IRM (1)(n), Incorrect Year Posted First. - Non-Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (non-TANF) (payments to the custodial parent through the state). The IRS has no say in this matter. Only use BPI 3 if instructed to do so by Insolvency. Provisions of the Heartland Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2008 allow impacted taxpayers to use their 2007 earned income for purposes of figuring any EITC for 2008 if the 2008 earned income is less than the 2007 earned income and: the main home on the applicable disaster date was in a Midwestern disaster area listed in Table 1 of Publication 4492-B, Information for Affected Taxpayers in the Midwestern Disaster Areas; or. Suggested response: Our records show the Premium Tax Credit (PTC) was not allocated on Form 8379. Refer to IRM, Control Principles. The following validity checks are made for BPI's on CC RFUND. See paragraph (11) above. Bypass TOP offset for all secondary TIN debts except child support. Injured spouses portion of estimated tax payments. To reverse mixed-period offsets, with TOP offset from incorrect-year return posting first, take the following actions: Request CC IMFOL, CC RTVUE, and CC MFTRA and returns on all years involved. Input a TC 290 for .00 with RN 808, RC 086, SC 7 and the dollar amount of the allocated refund. TC 766(s) that are rejected in whole or in part by Bureau of the Fiscal Service are output on a weekly Bureau of the Fiscal Service TC 766 Reject Listing and provided to the TOP Liaison Office for resolution. Input the TC 770 for zero on the last adjustment. Explain to the taxpayer that our records show the Form 8379 was not filed with the return. If research shows that the TOP offset is available for reversal, immediately call the Centralized Insolvency Operation (CIO) or fax Form 4442, Inquiry Referral, clearly labeled "Expedite" to the CIO before making any account adjustments so the potential stay violation may be resolved within 48 hours. Once their identity is verified and their return has been processed they can re-send their Form 8379. A mixed entity case is a case involving the filing of a tax return by an individual who is using a TIN belonging to another individual. When issuing a hardship refund under any circumstance, inform the taxpayer that if he/she owes a child support or Federal agency debt submitted for tax refund offset, Bureau of the Fiscal Service may apply his/her refund to the debt through TOP. Advise the taxpayer to allow 30 days to process. The rules for applying state community property laws for injured spouse allocations differ from non-community because the state law determines whether the couple is subject to community or non-community property laws. 21.4.6 Refund Offset | Internal Revenue Service - IRS When the injured spouse has none of the income or refundable credits, none of the overpayment is the injured spouse's. Correct as needed. DO NOT issue 4442/e4442. If a response is not received, follow IRM , Form 8379 No Consideration Procedures. Note: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the federal government has promised not to offset tax refunds until after January 31, 2022. Identify the missing information on the original return, if available, and write the taxpayer requesting it or if the issue can be resolved by having the taxpayer fax in missing information, you may attempt to contact the taxpayer/authorized representative by telephone and request the missing information be faxed to you, explain that the injured spouse Form 8379 cannot be processed until the information is received. If the income data wages/withholding is not verifiable, submit an E4442 to RICS/IVO requesting a determination of the return. Input a TC 290 .00 with a Hold Code 4 to hold the credit when sending a no consideration letter. Taxpayers may file Form 8379 with the return or as a standalone form. The injured spouse has no payments or refundable credits. The IAT tool is designed to research CC INOLET when the invalid indicator is present. See IRM, TC 766 Reject Listing, for information on denied TOP reversal requests. If the taxpayer reported the SRP on their original return but did not allocate on Form 8379, allocate one-half the SRP tax for each spouse (50/50). For any of the scenarios shown above make two telephone attempts within 3 business days of each other and document CIS case notes with the dates and times of these attempts. If BFS cannot recover the offset, the reversal request will be rejected.
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