A wish to become intimately acquainted with a state of society so utterly unlike all that he had ever seen frequently crossed his mind. The document which alleges that this chapel was built by order of a "landsgemeinde" held in 1388, at which 114 men were present who had been personally acquainted with Tell, was never heard of till 1759. Economists are well acquainted with the dynamics of shrinking populations. Learn more. Homer was acquainted with it and speaks of the "Argo" as well known to all men; the wanderings of Odysseus may have been partly founded on its voyage. Jerome also was acquainted with them as an independent work. The words and phrases which are common to the pastorals and the rest of the Pauline epistles are neither so characteristic nor so numerous as those peculiar to the former, and the data of style may be summed up in the verdict that they point to a writer who, naturally reproducing Paul's standpoint as far as possible, and acquainted with his epistles, yet betrays the characteristics of his later milieu in expressions as well as in ideas.'. Get acquainted with some serious color this season! If you are acquainted with your graduate's friends, consider picking up some cards to give to them. The scanty details of Asser's life are taken from his biography of Alfred, from which it is inferred that he was acquainted with one or two Frankish biographies, and possibly had visited the continent of Europe. Instructed in the Greek language by his mother, he prevailed upon the king to entrust him with an embassy to Athens about 589 B.C. In philosophy he followed mainly Mill and Bain, but he was acquainted with all philosophical literature. I am (well) acquainted with his books. The Egyptians, though acquainted with the bastard safflower, do not seem to have possessed saffron; but it is named in Canticles iv. How often would we abhor people less if we approached them and became acquainted with them! When your guests arrive, they probably won't all be acquainted. 27. He studied men rather than books; became acquainted with the vices in what was then a pioneer town; and in his Seven Lectures to Young Men (1844) treated these with genuine power of realistic description and with youthful and exuberant rhetoric. The purpose of life seems to be to acquaint man with himself.. 21. Democracy in Pakistan Congressman, although rooting for rule of law is generally a good thing but #pakistan courts routinely sentence people to death for blasphemy You'd do well to acquaint yourself better about pakistan before making foreign policy statements. He was also well acquainted with Greek literature. Before you begin looking for Renaissance wedding dresses, take some time to get acquainted with this historical time period. His writings, which include some Latin poems, prove him a man of learning, and he appears to have been acquainted not only with the Latin classics, but also with Greek, and even Hebrew. English example sentences with "acquainted" Fathers Mendez and Lobo traversed the deserts between the coast of the Red sea and the mountains, became acquainted with Lake Tsana, and discovered the sources of the Blue Nile in 1624-1633. Sladek was, with his excellent translations, one of the first to make Czech readers acquainted with the riches of English literature (especially Shakespeare). For nine years Prussian delegate at the diet of Frankfort, Bismarck was intimately acquainted with all the issues Bis,narck. 38. James Mill, who was intimately acquainted with him, says (in a letter to Napier of November 1818) that he knew not a better man, and on the occasion of his death published a highly eulogistic notice of him in the Morning Chronicle. Whether you've been samba dancing for years, or are just getting acquainted with the dance form originating in Brazil, you'll want a wide repertoire of samba dance moves in order to keep the time you spend dancing full of fun. He went over every part of the translation with me, observed on every passage in which justice was not done to the thought or the force of the expression lost, and made many useful criticisms. Whether you want to add a little extra flavor to your conversations or simply need to show your friend a cartoon cat giving a thumbs up, the GIF has transformed into one of the most flexible and useful image formats on the internet. Acquainted: In a Sentence - WORDS IN A SENTENCE In the same spirit, under the reviving influence of ancient philosophy (with which, however, he was imperfectly acquainted and the relation of which to Christianity he extravagantly misunderstood), he argues that the old Greek moralists, as inculcating a disinterested love of good - and so implicitly love of God as the highest good - were really nearer to Christianity than Judaic legalism was. Were you acquainted with a friend of mine, Daniel Green? While so employed Gordon took the opportunity to make himself well acquainted with the geography and people of Armenia, and the knowledge of dealing with eastern nations then gained was of great use to him in after life. The high profile stars have apparently been acquainted for several years, first meeting at a pre-Grammy party hosted by Clive Davis, but the couple's romantic relationship is new. Yes! They were well acquainted with both and knew their history. I'm very well acquainted with this experience, as is Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic. On the death of Scarron, in 1660, Anne of Austria continued his pension to his widow, and even increased it to 2000 livres a year, which enabled her to entertain and frequent the literary society her husband had made her acquainted with; but on the queen-mother's death in 1666 the king refused to continue her pension, and she prepared to leave Paris for Lisbon as lady attendant to the queen of Portugal. : I will acquaint you, as you desire, with . Past episodes are also helpful if you're a new viewer who would like to catch up on previous plot lines to get better acquainted with certain characters or situations. Free government grant forms can be completed in the comfort of your own home, or filled out by a professional grant writer if you happen to be acquainted with one. Fans of AMC are well acquainted with Pine Valley's most colorful character Erica Kane played since the debut by Susan Lucci. And if you're practicing in the comfort of your own home, there's no better way to get acquainted with dramatic model makeup before showing it off to the world. Dante himself appears to be acquainted only with the Laelius, Cato Maior, de Officiis, de Finibus, de Inventione and Paradoxa. Athenagoras is a powerful and clear writer, who strives to comprehend his opponents' views and is acquainted with the classical writers. He got well acquainted with the history of . Before you shop for a bodysuit, you should get acquainted with the bodysuit's basic features. 60+4 sentence examples: 1. Acquainted in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb) Of the last and least, my humble self, I need not speak, as with him the reader is well acquainted. The ancients were acquainted with the benumbing power of the torpedo-fish, but it was not till 1676 that modern naturalists had their attention again drawn to the fact. Thus the boy early became acquainted with very different forms of religion. It is impossible that a scholar of the 16th century could have been acquainted with this word, and internal evidence shows clearly that both the prose and the verse are of early origin. There are plenty of sites devoted to singles, and while some are more erotic in nature, others are simply designed to allow people of like cultures, beliefs, interests, and/or hobbies to meet, get acquainted, and maybe even fall in love. Like you, I am not intimately acquainted with Truth. After the middle of the 4th century it was regarded as essential that the candidate for baptism should not only be acquainted with the spiritual truths and ethical demands which form the basis of practical Christianity, but should also be trained in theology and the interpretation of the creeds. They were, on the other hand, probably acquainted, a couple of millenniums before Meton gave it his name, with the nineteen-year cycle, by which solar and lunar years were harmonized; 1 they immemorially made observations in the meridian; regulated time by water-clocks, and used measuring instruments of the nature of armillary spheres and quadrants. What does acquainted mean in a sentence? But there seems no reason for doubt; the great grammarians of imperial times (Apollonius Dyscolus and Herodian) were acquainted with the work in its present form, although, as was natural considering its popularity, additions and alterations may have been made later. He quotes, as if he were familiarly acquainted with their writings, a number of Greek and Roman writers, of whom it is almost certain that he had not read more than one or two. In Rome he became acquainted with the Syrian Gnostic Cerdo, whose speculations influenced the development of the Marcionite theology. get/become acquainted (=start to know someone by talking or doing something together): I'll leave you two to get acquainted. He acquainted himself with his job. from the south-west ports of India to Babylon, and that there they became acquainted with a Semitic alphabet, which they brought back with them, and from which all the alphabets now used in India, Burma, Siam and Ceylon have been gradually evolved. acclimated: [adjective] adapted to a new altitude, climate, environment, or situation. Well-acquainted Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com Review 6 sentence examples with Well-acquainted With to better understand the usage of Well-acquainted With in context. Bibby is well acquainted with danger. In the following year he gave to the world the Indian Edda, The Song of Hiawatha, a conscious imitation, both in subject and metre, of the Finnish epic, the Kalevala, with which he had become acquainted during his second visit to Europe. Working on layouts together is an excellent way for everyone to get acquainted. On the other hand, while phonetically the above explanation was not inconsistent with such cases as rka dkah, bkah, bska, and nga, rnga, ngag, sngags, lnga, ngad and brtse, brdzun, dbyar, &c., where the italicized letters are pronounced in full and the others are left aside, it failed to explain other cases, such as dgra, mgron, spyod, snyan, sbrang, sbrul, bkra, k'ri, krad, k'rims, k'rus, &c., pronounced da, don, cod, or swod, cen, Bang, deu, ta, t'i, tad or teh, tim, tu, &c., and many others, where the spoken forms are obviously the alteration by wear and tear of sounds originally similar to the written forms. Well Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com In the last year of his life he became acquainted with Mesmer, and published a Lettre sur le magnetisme animal. Examples indeed are rare, p but that these people were acquainted with both forms is certain. Harvard student Zachary Rothstein is well acquainted with postoperative nausea. Are you two acquainted? Boris, during the campaign, had made the acquaintance of many persons who might prove useful to him, and by a letter of recommendation he had brought from Pierre had become acquainted with Prince Andrew Bolkonski, through whom he hoped to obtain a post on the commander-in-chief's staff. 148+19 sentence examples: 1. Police said the thieves were obviously well acquainted with the alarm system at the department store. Some of the most effective exercises are those which you are undoubtedly well acquainted. Soon, however, he began to hint to the thirty that Dositheus was not as well acquainted as he might be with the doctrines of the school. Apparently there is here some gap in the line of descent of the horse, and may be suggested that the evolution took place, not as commonly supposed, in North America, but in eastern central Asia, of which the palaeontology is practically unknown; some support is given to this theory by the fact that the earliest species with which we are acquainted occur in northern India. The author was well acquainted with the labours of his predecessors, as his list of over one hundred of them testifies. They were astonished and delighted by the brilliancy of his conversation. I had a rare opportunity to become acquainted with their habits. However, there is a small set of skills that you will want to acquaint yourself with before jumping in the deep end. This erroneous estimate was formed when he had seen the Descriptio but had not read it; and his opinion was very different when he became acquainted with the nature of logarithms. It is remarkable that Hume does not appear to have been acquainted with Spinoza's analysis of the affections. ; One becomes well acquainted with the main characters in the story. But the work of distribution and the adaptation of the supply to the demand of the consumer naturally fall to those who are best acquainted with native wants. Since Jim has been to Japan numerous times, he is acquainted with the country's culture. While shopping at high-end retailers like Saks, Bergdorf Goodman, Barney's and Neiman Marcus is an outstanding way to get acquainted with glamorous styles from the world's biggest designers, for many it's just not a sensible option. Further, the technicians at the dealership are well acquainted with the brand as it's the only one that they sell. I need to acquaint myself with the new regulations. Flexner and C. Hunter Stewart, pointing out that the evidence, so far from showing that Mr Haffkine's laboratory was to blame, made it clear to those acquainted with bacteriological work that it could have had nothing to do with the occurrence. He is well acquainted with ancient history. Sentences. Pontellier was too well acquainted with fever symptoms to be mistaken. 58. In 1832 the Registro Trimestre, a literary and scientific journal printed at Mexico, contained a communication by Dr. Pablo de la Llave, describing this species (with which he first became acquainted before 1810, from examining more than a dozen specimens obtained by the natural-history expedition to New Spain and kept in the palace of the Retiro near Madrid) under the name by which it is now known, Pharomacrus mocino.3 Quezal, male and female. How do you use the word acquainted? - TimesMojo Acquainted Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com The second work of Leonardo, his Practica geometriae (1220) requires readers already acquainted with Euclid's planimetry, who are able to follow rigorous demonstrations and feel the necessity for them. There are many retirement jewels out there, but unless you are personally acquainted with them, you may never discover all that these small towns and communities have to offer. Is located in the same geographic area as the property to be inspected so that they will be acquainted with the local codes. To be a gentleman in Italy meant at this epoch to be a man acquainted with the rudiments at least of scholarship, refined in diction, capable of corresponding or of speaking in choice phrases, open to the beauty of the arts, intelligently interested in archaeology, taking for his models of conduct the great men of antiquity rather than the saints of the church. Fabius Sanga, their "patron" in Rome, who in his turn acquainted Cicero. From quotations given by Antonio Capmany (Questiones Criticas) from the De contemplatione of Raimon Lull, of the date 1272, it appears that the latter was well acquainted with the use of 1 Adamas in India reperitur. Well acquainted in a sentence: well acquainted sentence examples It's difficult to see well acquainted in a sentence . If you are bringing an older dog home for the first time, allow him to become acquainted with your backyard, and wait for him to eliminate outside before entering the home. The Term (and Lyrics) Explained, What Does GIF Stand For? Almost smiling, he gazed straight into her eyes with such an enraptured caressing look that it seemed strange to be so near him, to look at him like that, to be so sure he admired her, and not to be acquainted with him. My newfound friend and I want to get better acquainted. Meadow Mouse was too well acquainted with old Mr. Crow to get himself into any such fix as that. Desault, well acquainted with the dauphin, having visited him seven months earlier, was summoned. Ministers are continually referring to the importance of energy and self-sacrifice on the part of the industrial population, who cannot be expected to display these qualities unless, generally speaking, they are acquainted with the facts.'. The lapwing's conspicuous crest seems to have been the cause of a common blunder among English writers of the middle ages, who translated the Latin word Upupa, property hoopoe, by lapwing, as being the crested bird with which they were best acquainted. to cause to know personally; to make familiar : to cause to know firsthand See the full definition . He is well acquainted with all the researches that have been made, but tries to save Tell's refusal to do reverence to the hat, his leap from the boat in the lake, and his slaying of the bailiff in the "hollow way.". Meaning: adj. He was so well acquainted with the contents of the volumes which he exposed for sale that the country rectors of Staffordshire and Worcestershire thought him an oracle on points of learning. Frederick himself had a knowledge of six languages, was acquainted with mathematics, philosophy and natural history, and took an interest in medicine and architecture. We are acquainted with a mere pellicle of the globe on which we live. Both Ohrwalder and Slatin were personally acquainted with the mandi, and their narratives contain much first-hand information. Get acquainted with hot rollers and large barrel curling irons. Acquainted definition, having personal knowledge as a result of study, experience, etc. Some time before this, perhaps as early as 1588, Bacon appears to have become acquainted with the earl of Essex, Elizabeth's favourite. That he was a coxcomb and a bore, weak, vain, pushing, curious, garrulous, was obvious to all who were acquainted with him. 2. At a mature age - having first, it appears, become acquainted with Mantegna - he turned his attention to painting. Well-acquainted definition: having a good knowledge or understanding of someone or something | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Regardless, he was invited by Mick Jones, with whom he was acquainted with. These conflicts can lead to inappropriate gifts that may be awkward, offensive, and embarrassing, particularly if the gift-givers are not well acquainted with the couple. By his eighth year he had read Aesop's Fables, Xenophon's Anabasis, and the whole of Herodotus, and was acquainted with Lucian, Diogenes Laertius, Isocrates and six dialogues of Plato (see his Autobiography). Acquainted in a sentence up(5) down(5) Sentence count:148+19Posted:2016-09-27Updated:2020 . The writer makes sure you're well acquainted with the main character, his virtues and shortcomings. Soon after it he became acquainted with Governor Wentworth of New Hampshire, who conferred on him the majority of a local regiment of militia. I am intimately acquainted with the state of my bank account. The sun and stars are found to contain the more important elements with which chemistry has made us acquainted. By the time all of the guests have said a little something about themselves, everyone in attendance should be much better acquainted. ; It's a steep price per pint, and I like to be well acquainted with what I'm drinking. I speak understandingly on this subject, for I have made myself acquainted with it both theoretically and practically. Here he became acquainted with many of the savants of the capital, and was much interested in French clerical affairs. Let me acquaint you with the facts. Mechthild's clerico-political utterances show that she was acquainted with the " eternal gospel " of Joachim of Floris. Agur's dictum is one of pious agnosticism directed, apparently, against certain theologians who talked as if they were well acquainted with the ways of God. From that time he appears to have devoted himself almost wholly to original investigation (so far at least as regards mathematics), though he ever kept himself well acquainted with the progress of science both in Britain and abroad. Let your date and your kids get acquainted without any pressure. The Malays, also, would seem to have been acquainted with the northern coast; while Marco Polo, who visited the East at the close of the 13th century, makes reference to the reputed existence of a great southern continent. Heidi (1881) She became well acquainted with an older woman who was a cancer patient. Cicero remarks on the existence among the Gauls of augurs or soothsayers, known by the name of Druids, with one of whom, Divitiacus, an Aeduan, he was acquainted. As nuncio in Brussels he had become acquainted with the trans-Alpine world, and had been initiated into the working of the machinery of modern politics and modern parliamentary government. What is acquainted in a sentence? April's husband is not acquainted with her favorite television show so she suggested he watch a few episodes of the program. Throughout her life, she says, she has been well acquainted with the everyday injustices of gender inequality. 2. 25. However, anyone who has gone to the pool or beach sporting a one piece is well acquainted with the awkward bathroom dance. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. He was naturally the cause of considerable anxiety to the English government, which was well acquainted with his real history, and made attempts to get him seized. The better classes were acquainted with wheaten bread also. But were the oldest Neoplatonists really acquainted with the speculations of Philo, or Justin, or Valentinus, or Basilides? In the ensuing chapter the reader will become more fully acquainted with my fresh conquest. ACQUAINTED Synonyms: 12 Synonyms & Antonyms for ACQUAINTED - Thesaurus Acquainted Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary The Aryan tribes in the Veda are acquainted with most of the metals. What does auld lang syne even mean, and why is it so special on New Years? The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. He was acquainted moreover with Latin grammar, under the influence of which he resorted to the innovation of dividing the Hebrew vowels into five long vowels and five short, previous grammarians having simply spoken of seven vowels without distinction of quantity. Well-acquainted definition and meaning - Collins Dictionary He was well acquainted with the literature of France(Sentencedict.com), Germany and Holland. Separation anxiety was a malady she was intimately acquainted wi . He also was well acquainted with Greek philosophy, and took a genial view of it; but he was not nearly so widely read as Clement. So clear is the evidence on this point that any one adequately acquainted at first hand with the phenomena, by employing an albino of known gametic structure and mating it with a coloured individual, also of known gametic constitution, could predict the result. Turning now to the other side, we have evidence, not only from tradition but from his writings, that he was acquainted with Plato and the mystical Platonists; but he had the sagacity to perceive that Aristotle was the great representative of philosophy, and that his writings contained the best results and method which the natural reason had as yet attained to. Find 12 ways to say ACQUAINTED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Devotees will, of course, be well-acquainted but for newcomers the 13 tracks should be a small revelation. Acquainted In A Sentence | Short Example Sentence For Acquainted . After an absence from Corsica for a period of five years, during which he visited England and the Low Countries, and became acquainted with Erasmus and More, he returned to Nebbio, about 1522, and there remained, with comparatively little intermission, till in 1536, when, while returning from a visit to Genoa, he perished in a storm at sea. Sure, cross tattoos are among the coolest, but it's a good idea to get acquainted with some of the more popular forms before you run out and get inked. According to his views this nation, very numerous at that epoch - which preceded the Iron-Period civilization of the Turco-Tatars, - were pretty well acquainted with mining; the remains of their mines, sometimes 50 ft. Bergman somehow neglected it, and this caused for a time a reluctance on Scheele's part to become acquainted with that savant, but the paper, through the instrumentality of Anders Johann Retzius (1742-1821), was ultimately communicated to the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm. At Bruges he became acquainted with the famous Spanish scholar, Juan Luis Vives, with whom he lodged. Find 37 ways to say ACQUAINTING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012, having a good knowledge or understanding of someone or something, Breaking Bad Finale: Lost Interviews With Bryan Cranston & Vince Gilligan, Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia] [Volume 2 of 2], Fifty Years of Railway Life in England, Scotland and Ireland. : He ordered the Doctor fei hung chow to acquaint the pirates with his design. Among the imposing train who went with the cardinal - including, as it did, several noblemen and privy councillors - Gardiner alone seems to have been acquainted with the real heart of the matter which made this embassy a thing of such peculiar moment. On this second visit he became acquainted with some of the leading Abolitionists, and founded later in Paris a Societe des Amis des Noirs, of which he was president during 1790 and 1791.
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